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Zach Knight



I was going through some documents, when my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID: Lisa

"Hey babe."

"Hey Lis. why did you call ?" I asked her while working.

"Can't I call you without any reason ?" I can imagine her pouting.

"Ofcourse you can, it's just that I am a little busy right now."

"You're always so busy, you never have time for me. Do you even love me ?" She asked, seemingly annoyed.

Here she goes.

"Sorry love, what can I do to make it up to you ?"

"I want to go shopping."

"Alright I'll credit some money in your account."

"Thank you..thank you so much, you're the best. I love you" She cheered and hung up.

I was slightly disappointed when she didn't ask if I ate something or not. What has happened to you, baby ? Another thought crossed my mind. I tried to push all those thoughts aside & resumed my work when once again I was distracted by a knock on my door.

"What's up with everybody today ?" I mumbled to myself.

"Come in" I said and saw dad walking in.

"Next time just barge in, ok dad ?"

"Privacy son. Privacy."

"Coming from the person who didn't care about my privacy while bursting into my bedroom."

"You were a kid, then."

"I was 18." I said emphasizing on 18 .

"Still a kid." He said humor lacing in his voice while I just rolled my eyes.

"By the way, what happened dad ?"
I asked.

"We have a meeting in an hour with RAE Corps. They want to present the models."

"Alright. I'll be there."

"Hmm." Dad mumbled. He leaned back in his seat and exhaled heavily.

"Is there something else, dad ?"

"You see son, how eagerly I want you to take over the company."

"That can happen anytime you want. Don't stress over it."

"No son, that can happen only when you want." He countered.

"What are you trying to say, dad."

"What I am trying to say is that I want you to settle down first with a perfect girl."

Dad I have a girl for me, you just don't know about her. I thought.

Nobody apart from Laura and Sean know about Lis & I. I am planning on to propose her on her birthday and then tell everyone.

"Nobody is perfect dad."

"Indeed son, but there is always a perfect person, just for you and you are lucky I found her for you."

"Lame joke, dad." I shrugged and went back to working.

"I am absolutely serious, son.
I want you to marry, Ava Anderson." My head jerked up.

"What ? Are you kidding me ? I am not marrying her. Why would you even think that ?" I asked. My voice instinctively raised at the end.

"Watch your tone son, I am still your dad."

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