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Ava Knight

I dressed up in a green satin gown and tied my hair in a loose bun. Zach was already dressed up and waiting for me in the hall downstairs.

After checking my final appearance, I walked out of the room and made my way to the stairs

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After checking my final appearance, I walked out of the room and made my way to the stairs.

There he was standing in black tuxedo and green bowtie that was matching my dress. To say he looked handsome would be an understatement, he looked out of this world.
As soon as, I stepped down the first stair his head snapped towards me. Within seconds, his expression changed, his smile vanished. Am I not looking good ? I thought and lowered my head . God ! I should have tried harder. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't look up.

"I'll see you there." I spoke without looking up at him.

"You're coming with me." My head immediately shot up and met his sparkling blue eyes.

"But there will be a lot of people."

"I know." He said and started walking out. I sighed and followed him. He is too hard to understand.

Whole car ride passed in silence. I wanted to tell him, how smart he was looking but I remained quiet.

He pulled off infront of a majestic driveway. Opening the door, he got out. I was about to open mine, when he opened it for me and forwarded his hand. I looked up at him and placed my hand in his.

"Thank you." I whispered softly.

He nodded and snaked his arms around my waist. God ! his closeness affects me so much. We walked through the giant doors, opened for us by the security guard and entered the majestic ball room.

"Stay by my side." He spoke, looking so serious. I simply nodded.

There were people everywhere. Mr. Sanchez noticed us and came towards us, with his wife. They are a middle aged couple, with a very kind nature and I really like them both.

"It's so good to have you here Mr. Knight and Miss.Anderson." He greeted us. Zach's hold tightened around me. What has happened to him ? He gave them a nod while I greeted them back, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez, it's so good to see you again."

"Same here, honey." Mrs. Sanchez spoke. Later we indulged in small talks and met other guests . Zach was with me all the time.


Currently, Zach and I were sitting around a table and watching some couples dancing at the dance floor.

"I am going to get something to drink, you want something ?" He asked.

"Anything that doesn't include alcohol will do."

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute." He said and left.

Minutes later, I heard a manly voice from behind.

"Well...well what a pretty lady like you is doing all alone ?"

I turned around to find that the voice belonged to none other than Neil Davies. He is a successful businessman but he doesn't have best reputation when it comes to women.

"Oh you're mistaken Mr.Davies. I am not alone, I am here with someone."

"Sorry Ms. Anderson but I don't see anyone."

"He went to grab drinks for us, will be back shortly."

"Till then, mind if I join you ?" He isn't giving me any good vibes.


"She will mind." I immediately turned around hearing Zach's voice and God ! I wish I wouldn't have, he looked so mad.
His hold on the glass seemed so tight that it could break anytime. I rushed by his side and took the glass out of his hold. His eyes which were previously throwing daggers at him were now looking at me softly.

It was clear that he didn't like Mr.Davies much. Well, to be honest neither did I.

"It was nice talking to you, Mr. Davies." I said and Zach immediately pulled me away.

"You're never going to talk to him again." He firmly stated.

"As if, I want to." I mumbled. I don't know but he gives me bad vibes. He pulled me with him outside and lead us to the car.

He was driving us back home, car ride was yet again silent. His eyes were fixed on the road while his hands were gripping steering wheel tightly.

"Are you okay ?" I asked him placing my hand on his shoulders. He relaxed under my touch, his eyes were still focused on the road.

"Hmm." He intertwined our hands and placed it on his lap.

After that we both were quiet. However a sense of relief washed over me under his hold. 

Shortly, he pulled off in the driveway. We both got out of the car and walked in. As soon as we entered the door he gently pushed me against the wall and leaned forward. My breath became heavy, merely by his closeness.

"You look beautiful." He whispered in husky voice. Heat travelled upto my cheeks and in less than a minute, I was red.

" you." His eyes flicked to my lips. I instinctively licked them. And next minute, he crashed his lips on mine. I was too startled to do anything, moreover I didn't know what to do.

He kissed and licked my lips intensely while I was just standing there like a statue.

"Why aren't you kissing me back ?" He whispered in his deep husky voice pulling me even closer to him. He was making me so nervous that I wasn't able to say anything.

"Tell me." His eyes hardened.

"I..I...I.... ?"

"You have never kissed anyone before ?" He asked surprised. His hold on me loosened. I shook my head.

"...I am your first kiss ?" I turned even redder if it was possible. I lowered my head and nodded. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms securely around me again.

"Wow..." I looked up at him. His eyes were filled with adoration. I smiled at him and once again he leaned in. Our lips were centimetres apart. I gulped visibly when he spoke, "Don't be nervous. Just move your lips slowly against mine." I nodded and he softly placed his lips on mine. We started slow and gradually it became intense.


Why do you think he was acting so cold before ?

Let me know in comments .

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