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Zach Knight

Another month passed like days. With her by my side every moment is euphoric and my love for her increases day by day.

I was lost in thoughts of my wife when Sarah's voice interrupted it.
I looked up in the direction the voice had come and found three ladies bringing snacks and drinks for us.

"We should plan more family get togethers like this." Emma spoke sitting beside Reece.

"I agree." Mom said.

I wrapped Ava in my arms and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Don't go all lovey dovey here."

"you gotta a problem, dude." I replied Ethan raising my brows. He huffed and Sarah smacked her head.

We were all indulged in small talks
but Ava was silent and leaning on my chest.

"Baby, are you okay ?" I asked rubbing her arms.

"" before she could complete her sentence, she untangled herself from me and ran towards our room.

I ran behind her to find her puking. I slid next to her and brushed her hair gently. Once she was done, she was breathing heavily. I carried her in my arms and sat her beside the sink. After cleaning her mouth, I carried her back to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

Everyone else was already present there.

"Let me check her. Please wait outside." Sarah said, I was about to protest when Sarah said, "Trust me ." I nodded and we all went outside while she checked her.

Minutes later she opened the door with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Oh my God..Oh my God...Oh my God. Ava is pregnant..she is pregnant, you're gonna be a dad." She was jumping in excitement soon joined by all, while I was just standing there.

I am gonna be a father.

Dad nudged my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. I immediately hugged him, my eyes turned glossy.

"I am gonna be a father, dad. I am gonna be a father." The pride I was feeling couldn't be compared.

"Yes son, you're gonna be the best father."

"You're the best father, dad and I'll try my best to be like you. " He patted my back and I walked towards my beautiful wife.

Reece and Ethan patted my back and went outside followed by others.

"Baby." I said and she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck.

"We are gonna be parents. Thank you, thank you so much for this gift."

"I should be the one thanking you, my love." I said, massaging her tummy where our child was growing.

"It wasn't possible without you. " She whispered against my chest. I held on to her tightly and kissed her forehead.

"I love you."

"and also you my little love." I whispered keeping my hands over her belly.

"I love you both too." She spoke. My lips curved up into a smile.

"Wanna join others ?" She nodded and we walked out.


Ava Knight

I am going to be a mother. I cannot express the amount happiness I was feeling. And all this exists because of the man beside me.

We walked out and found everyone laughing and cheering .

"I am so gonna spoil the little princess." Reecie spoke with the utmost excitement.

"Battle's on." Ethy replied, glaring at Reecie.

"How do you guys know that the baby is a princess." I questioned.

"Well, we want it to be a princess." They both shrugged.

I turned to look Zach, who had a huge grin indicating that he wanted a daughter as well.

"I want a puinces too." Alex yelled, making us all laugh.


Are you happy for her ?

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