Chap. 24

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Guys! I'll make another story! EXO Kai is the hero. Actually kai is my ultimate bias! But this story for sitinsyaf !

[Two years later]

Eunhee POV*
Finally author-nim! Finally awak wujudkan jugak POV saya!

Aku .. sekarang... Park Eunhee...

And im on flight .. Back to Korea...

I have to manage my company ..

I really miss my hyungs.. ops! Im not a boy.. should i call them 'oppa'? Seriously?! No way.. just call their name okay!

Rambut aku dah panjang... pakaian aku dah berubah...

Aku pakai make-up.. i can wears heel.. i wears skirt.. gown..

My talent.. i still have my talent but... i should buried them because i have to manage my entertaiment.


Finally now im in Korea...

I've buyed a mansion for me. I still bank in money to Minwoo , Chanyeol , Taehyun account bank. Let them thought that appa still alive. I dont want them to be sad..

I go to my mansion first before go to PF Entertaiment..

I have to meet my artist. they haven't meet me as their president.

EXO? Their in SM right? After this .. i think i will cooperate with my ex-president .. Lee Soo Man..

I heard EXO will comeback with new album..

Last year their song was really daebak! Growl!

Yeah.. im still their fans.. EXO-L . Shhh! Hehehe ..

Chanyeol was really ... wow! Im fans of EXO Xiumin and Chanyeol of course! Hmmm..

I have few artist and group under my agency.

Some of them is Zhangxi , Eun-jung , So-yee , Group Platinum , SDF and Dae-hyun.


I think i should go there now..

Taehyun POV*

Dah 2 tahun... daejoon menghilang... aku cuba cari kt syarikat appa tp... xde.. appa pon xde.. appa pon dah 2 tahun menghilang. Arhhh!!

Stress lah! Minwoo hyung and chanyeol hyung pun same .. EXO pun.. mereka cari daejoon bagai nak gila!


Baik aku tumpukan pada cari kerja sekarang.

Hmmm... [selak surat khabar]
'Jawatan Penulis Lirik diperlukan di PF Entertaiment'

Penulis lirik? Boleh tahan.. mmg la duit setiap bulan masuk dlm bank aku tp.. aku bosanlah.. nak kerja. Hmm.. boleh jugak. Esoklah aku pergi temuduga. Yes!

Hope i can get it.

Fighting Park Taehyun!!


Xiumin POV*

Dah... 2 ... Tahun....

Daejoon.... menghilang... aku... sangat... rindukan...dia...

Aku cuba cari dia... tp.... huhh...

Arhh!!! Daejoon!!

Aku pandang jam yang dia bagi kat aku.. yes.. hadiah tu..

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