Chapter 49

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Sorry for yg kecewa sbb sye padam citer My Lovely EXO.. jeongmal mianhaeyo... im promise after habis je citer ni sye akan update citer my husband tu dan....
Citer baruuuu~~ so keep reading this book please?
Sorry sorry...

Kai POV*

Aku sgt kasihan pd Eunhee and Xiumin hyung masa Eunhee keguguran... kalau aku tak buat kiss Eunhee mlm tu mesti mereka baik je! Aihh! I feel so guilty..

Eunhee dah baik ngn Xiumin hyung. Dengar citer Eunhee maafkan Xiumin sebab bayangan anak mereka. Hmm.. aku rasa tak berbaloi kalau aku still nk dptkan Eunhee sebab cinta mereka kuat sangat..



"Kai! Whats wrong?" Eunhee tegur aku masa lepas dia baik ngn xiumin hyung. Aku tengah fikir semua tu salah aku.. aku pandang xiumin hyung yg ada disebelah Eunhee.

"Aku minta maaf hyung.. kalau bukan sebab aku mesti hyung ngn Eunhee dh baik sejak awal.. Aku minta maaf sangat2.. aku menyesal dengan tindakan aku tu.. aku tak boleh kawal perasaan aku sebab aku suka dia"

aku minta maaf kt eunhee and Xiumin hyung.

"Hmm its okay kai.. dh takdir menentukan semua ni..

Kita x boleh buat apa.. aku faham perasaan kau.." xiumin hyung x mrh :)

"Mianhae kai... " Eunhee mnx maaf kt aku. Wae?

"No need Eunhee yah~ hahaha okay now friends!" Aku ckp.

"Friends kepala kau lah! KAn brothers! Aihh!!" XIumin hyung sekeh kepala aku..

HAHaha aku syg sgt kt mereka...

END Flashback•

Skg aku tgh amik angin kat garden area cheomdang-dong.. hmm... saje memandangkan ptg ni free sebab pagi td dh training kuatnya...

Tengah2 aku jalan sambil main phone tetiba aku terlanggar sseseorang sampai buku dia terjatuh.

"Ahh jwisonghamnida..!!" Yeoja.. she's a girl.

AKu tunduk for kutipkn buku dia.

"Ahh gwenchana.." tiba2 tgn kami tersentuh.. aiu pandang dia... wow... neomu yeuppeoyo.. her eyes... her single eyelid.. her lips.. she's beautiful..

"Ahh mianhae...!" Aku tarik tangan aku balik dh bg buku tu kt dia. Aku rasa dia dlm lingkungan baya umur aku or bwh sikit.. dia hanya diam.. dia tak kenal aku ke? Im EXO members..

"Err.. are you one of EXO Members?" She asked me.

Ouhh she know us.. hehe..

"Yes.. im Kai." Aku salam ngn dia. Aku tak rasa dia mcm excited.. x mcm fangirl yg lain.

"Ahh patutlah mcm familiar je muka. Haha kwn2 sye minat group awak tp sye ni bukan jenis kpoppers. Sye kenal muka awak pon sebab kwn2 sye selalu citer pasal EXO. Haha" her smile and laugh! Cute and beautiful.

"Ouh.. do you want to hang out with me? HAha im bored.." aku beranikan diri . Takkan terlepas lagi mcm aku terlepas Eunhee..

"Nae.. im okay...." dia tunduk. Comel lah dia. Malu2 je.

Buatkan aku rasa nak kenal dia lebih dalam lagi..

Eh aku tak tanya pon nme dia lagi! Aish kai! Kau ni pon.

"Lets go to cafe. I forgot! Whats your name?And some intro of urself." Aku tanya dia. Dia pandang aku. Aishh melting~~~

"I'm Rissa. I'm actually from England but now im stay in korea. My korean name is Han Hye-Ri. Im 19 y/o. "

Dia bgtahu. Ouhh foreigner lah kiranya.. good i can learn english from her.

I really like to know her more..


Eunhee POV*

"EunE! 10 minutes more for performance! Get ready!"

Fuhh! Today is the day... Breath in .. breath out..

"Relax Eunhee. Its okay.. you can do it!" JHi tenangkan aku.. ahh...

Okay EunE ! You can do it!!

My song for debut is about a girl who far from her family and suddenly found a guy who is really annoying. But they finally together but because boy's family hate that girl... they cant go on their realtionship. The girl finally gave up for his love and go somewhere far for forget all the things..

Wow sangat mendalam..

Okay the time is now...

Aku naik atas stage dan nampak...

My fans *_*

They support meee!!

I start singing..~~

I'm sorry but i've to let you go..
Cuz our family won't allowed us ....
to be together..

I need to go.. i have to go..
I want to forget all about you ..
I dont want to be hurt....

Last aku nyanyi dan mereka bersorak for me. I like!

I love my fans!! ^•^

"Kamsahamnida yeorobun!!!" Aku bowed then pergi belakang stage..

Fuhh lega~~

Then ahli SNSD came to me..

Sunny Eonnie says to me ..

"EUnE! You did it! Congratulation dear dongsaeng!"

Baiknya .. 

"Yeahh EunE ! Your song was really... DAEBAK! Im 200% tht your song will be most famous song! I really like your song!" Yoona Eonnie lak ckp.

"NEomu neomu kamsa eonnies! I hope like that too , Yoona Eonnie..! Gumawoo!" Aku bowed then pergi kt guest room aku...

"JHi! I did it !!" Aku masuk then peluk JHi. Haha shock kah?

"Yes eunE you did it. Thats good! I like.. and i think someone will be more jealous if you still hugged me like this." Mwo? I let go the hugged then turn around..


"Err..Minseokk oppa~~ ^_^ " i hugged his arm. Hehe nk pujuklah..

"Hm.. dh xpyh nk pujuk sgt. Haaha chukkahae jagiyaa~ you are the best okay? Hehe " dia peluk aku..

"This is my dream oppa.. i just make my dream come true ! For the rest of this... i did it.. tak sangka Eunhee boleh capai semua ni.. been years i waited for this moment.. ahh!!!" Aku peluk dia balik. Ahh!! Excited..

"Yes dear.. you make it...! Chukkahae again okay?" Xiumin oppa sangat memahami dan aku sayang dia sangat sangat!


Few chapter more and will be the end okay..
Keep reading and keep voting too! Promote my book if you want okay. Haha i love my readers!

P/s: Sorry for the worst english. I'll reedit after this.


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