Chap. 2

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Im sorry guys for chapter 1 yg x habis tu.. saya dah publish byk kali pon dia still same .

I dont know why.. okay i tell you. Daejoon Second brother , Park Chanyeol stayed in EXO Dorm since 2 years ago. And almost one year daejoon tak jumpa Chanyeol. Sorry for chapter 1 .


Daejoon POV*

"Ahh.. Here you are.. is it okay you go alone ? Is chanyeol hyung will accompany you? " Minwoo hyung keep asking me the same thing almost 5 times.

"Yeah hyung.. i'm okay.. Chanyeol hyung is busy and if he free now he will infront of me now, hyung.." i said lazily.. he nodded and smile " okay2 .. make sure you're okay.. dont be too nervous.. remember what are you practising before.. ignore the people.. just be yourself. And please dont flirt with girl." Hyung..hyung.. "i know im too handsome kalau nak dibandingkan dengan hyung.. Dont worry.. im not interested in girl. Actually the girl fight for me..haha" i chuckled when i remember the past time.. ada sekumpulan perempuan berebutkan aku. Hahah.. if they know im in their gender too haha.. "okay then. Bye take care and relax okay. Hope you'll pass the test.. " Hyung tepuk bahu aku . Okay Daejoon relax.

"Okay bye. Drive carefully" I say to minwoo hyung.

I get out from the car and saw a big building .

SM Building. Ni cita2 aku sejak dari kecil.

Untung chanyeol hyung dapat debut dari this agency.

Okay now 8:30 a.m, the audition start at 9 a.m . I still have time to relax. Now what i should doing?

Go to cafe. Okay cafe!

I walked to cafe suddenly a girl approached me.

"Hi .. can i know you? Im Lilia. " then another girl came to me. "Hi you're boy but have a pretty face just like luhan oppa~" Luhan hyung? I know him.

"Sorry girls but i've things to do. Sorry.."

I acted like a gentleman. Haha if minwoo hyung is here, he will beat me . Okay cafe!

I ordered an americano and just wait until 9 a.m.

I think i should call Chanyeol hyung because i miss him so much!!


"Yoboseyo?" Yeah its hyung!!

"Hyung!!! I misss yooouuuuu sooo muchhh!!"

"Daejoon? Is it daejoon?!! Wahhh i miss youu!! Why are you changed your number?! I cant contact you, you know! " Haha this hyung so funny la..

"Hyung sabar sabar.. hehe minggu lepas my phone broke and Taehyun hyung buyed a new phone so i changed my number.. sorry"

"Okay2 Daejoon kat mane?"

"Im at SM Building.. in cafe"

"What are you doing there?!!"

"Sm audition?"

"Omo~! Wait there. I'll be there in 5 minutes.."

"Tq hyung. Okay"

I ended up the call and finished my drink.

Now 8:40 am. Okay just left 20 minutes..

Aku main dengan phone aku dulu sementara tunggu hyung.

Tiba-tiba ...


Chanyeol POV*

Wahh!! Macam x percaya je Daejoon betul2 tunaikan janji dia nak ke SM Audition. Strong Spirit..

X sabar nak jumpa dia!! My lil sis grown up to be a big brother..

"Luhan hyung!! Do you want to go to cafe?" I asked for luhan to accompany me..

"No.. i have plan with sehun.. try to asked kai since he nothing to do"

"Okay.." i walked to kai room.. since he alone in room he always do whatever he wants.

"Kai.. teman hyung pegi cafe jap jom? Hyung belanja"

Aku mula menawarkan something untuk kai temankan aku ke cafe.

"Okay jom. " aikk cepat nya budak ni setuju. Selalunya bukan main lagi malasnya.. xpelah asalkan dia nak temankan aku.

Aku hanya memakai blazer memandangkan cuaca sejuk kat luar. Aku jugak bawak blazer lebih sebab aku tahu daejoon mesti x suka pakai blazer bila keluar walaupun cuaca sejuk. Degil betul.

Now.. Daejoon wait for hyung!!

Samapi je kat cafe , aku nmpak seorang lelaki tgh duduk kt tepi tingkap. Aku bagi Kai kad kredit aku suruh dia beli apa2 je. Sementara aku nak terkejutkan dia.

Slowly i walked toward him...

I know he is spacing out..

Suddenly aku tutup mata dia lepastu geletek dia.

Ahahha dah lama x buat mcm ni..


Daejoon POV*

Arghhh!! Sape pulak yang tutup mata dgn geletek ni..

Ahahaahaahahah!! Xboleh tahan!!!

Ni mesti...... "Chanyeol HYUNG!!!!!!!" Aku pusing tgk..

Aishhh this hyung... so annoying.. -.-

"Chanyeol hyung.. stop it.. " he stopped and give me her extra blazer.. aishh i dont want..

"Hyungg i dont need this blazer.."

"No. You're stubborn.. how much time i told to wear blazer when cold outside?! "

"Kurae.. kurae.. wahh jinjjaaa this hyung?!! I miss you so muchhh you know.. " i grinned at him..

"I miss you too.. wait .. what time now....9:05 am??!!"

"Aishhh im late.. hyung jumpa lagi nanti.. im already late to audition!! Wish me luck hyungg.."

I just keep running to audition hall..

Fuhh nasib baik juri belum smpai..

Aku practice untuk kali terakhir.. okay.. juri dah sampai..

Nombor pon dah amik..

My number is 0088 .. my favourite number..

Relaxxx daejoon.. relax.. dont be rushed like a girl..

"The next number please come in to audition hall.. 0088"

Relax Daejoon ! You can do it.. breath in... breath out..

Okay ready...


Hey guys... meet againn.. my head like want to exploded because i dont have idea..
And this chapter saya lebihkan english ye? Mianhaeyo..
I think it wilk be English&Malay fanfiction..
Hehee.. see you in next chapter..


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