Chap. 10

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Hi ! Im tired but i can update because its my freetime!
I always free .. hehee btw keep reading.
And jgn rase pelik dgn citer ni!

In practise room....

Someone POV*

I want to talk more with him but why he always be with kai? I tried to close with him but... arrghh nothinglah! Kenapa lah aku mcm ni?

Hmmm... jgn ckp aq ni gay sukakan lelaki. Erghh!!

Xiumin! Wake up! You are man!!!
(A/N : yeah .. 'someone' is Xiumin XD!)

Tetiba chanyeol panggil aku.

Chanyeol POV*

Aku perhatikan xiumin hyung.. dia asyik pandang daejoon lagi..

X boleh ni. Aku kena ckp dgn xiumin hyung jugak.

Aku pergi kat xiumin hyung.

"Xiumin hyung! Can we talk?" Aku

"Yes sure. Why?" Xiumin hyung

"Why you always staring at my dongsaeng? Daejoon?"

"No la.. hyung perhatikan kai la.. "

"Lie. Jujur lah hyung.."

"Hmm i want to close with him. I want to be buddies with him but i dont have chance."

"You can lah hyung. Hyung thu klo ade org nk kwn ngn dia .. dia lagi suke.. dia suke berkawan. Hyung cubalah rapat ngn dia " Aishh xiumin hyung ni.. berat mulut betul . >_<

"He always close with kai. "

"Its doesn't matter! Just fo to him and try to start talking with him. You'll never regret it!"


"Hyung! Jgnlah malu sgt.. rilex lah dia pn lelaki"

"Tp dia terlalu cntik untuk lelaki. And boleh thn hensem jugak.. dia buat plastic surgery ke?" Eh hello! Daejoon face is natural okay!

"No.. its natural .. he dont like to make surgery because he want people know his natural face not a plastic one. " mmg.. daejoon xsuka pembedahan plastik. Muka dia mmg natural.

So mmg cntik dan hensem dia mmg asli .

Daejoon POV*

I think this two weeks .. aku lebih rapat ngn kai hyung. I dont know but i more comfortable with him.

Chanyeol hyung told me to be close to others members too especially xiumin hyung because xiumin hyung pendiam.

Rasa bersalah pulak sebb asyik rapat ngn kai hyung and chanyeol hyung je.

Mianhaee hyungs 0.O!

The dinner is ready with d.o and lay hyung help.

They are very good in cooking too..

After dinner.... semua org keluar ntah pegi mne.. aku malas nk keluar. Tapi aku nmpk xiumin hyung. Aikk? Asal x keluar jugak?

"Umin hyung? " aku tegur xiumin hyung yg tgh duduk kt ruang tamu.

"Nae? Wait..? U...minn hyung?" Opss aku x prasan aku terpanggil xiumin hyung....umin?

"Oppss sorry but i think umin hyung is more easier to speak.. mianhae hyung.."

"No.. its okay.. just call umin hyung.."

"Nae.. hyung! What are you doing ? And why are you alone?"

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