New school

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✰Jimin pov✰

I woke up to the sunshine outside my window, I look at my small calendar 'may 10' I look at the clock next to the calendar, '6:23 am' I get up and stretch.

i'm a savage classic, bougie, rachet-

I look at my phone by surprise "Thats not my ringtone..." I say out loud,

sassy, moody, nasty-

"Maybe Jungkook changed it.. that pest" I pick up my phone and answer 'finally, that song stopped.'

"aye bro"

"what? why did you call me this early??"

"chill, i wanted to mentally wake you up :D"

"For what? And why did you change my ringtone to that awful song??"

"yah! I like dat song :( Are you ready? hyung and I are gonna pick you up at around 7:34 or something."

"Okay just let me shower."

I hung up and put my phone down, I walk to my bathroom and open the door to walk in.

I take off all my clothes and hop in.

I go out and dry my hair and body. once i'm done, I put clothes on, just a maroon oversized shirt with black sweatpants and some shoes, I also brought a jacket just incase. Jungkook and Namjoon hyung said that its really cold in my new school.

"Jimin! Sweetheart! Breakfast is ready!" My mom calls from downstairs.

I go downstairs and see and my parents eating breakfast. "Ah, Jimin, my boy, come sit down and eat breakfast." I did as my dad told me and grab my fork and knife to start eating.

"Are you ready to go in your new school?" My mom asks me, I nod. "I'm really excited! And I cannot wait to see Jungkook and Namjoon hyung." She smiles and hands dad his coffee.

To make things clear, Jungkook and Namjoon are my best friends. We went to different schools and now i'm finally going to their school.

"I heard that Jungmi goes to that school too, I expect you to befriend her." My dad says, taking a sip of his coffee. "Yes, I'll try."

well, to make things clear, my parents are friends with Jungmi's parents. Our fathers has been business partners since forever. But I don't see Jungmi as often, the last time I have seen her was 4 years ago. Sure, her parents visit but again her parents only. I even forgot what she looked like.

i'm a savage classic, bougie, rachet-

My eyes widen and look at my parents.

sassy, moody, nasty-

'oh my!' I thought and grab my phone and answer it immediately.

"hyung! Namjoon and I are here!"


"O-okay! I'm coming!"

I hung up and take my bag and phone. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I kiss my mom on her forehead and walk away.

"Ah! Jimin-ah! Your lunch!" I turn back and walk over to my mom. "Thanks mom." I take the lunch in my hands and put it in my bag.

I start to walk away to the door when I heard my dad, "Jimin, one more thing," I look at him. "Please change your ringtone." I start to feel blood rush up to my cheeks. "Y-yes!" I wave at my parents and go out the door.

I hear my parents laugh from the inside of my house. I pout and make my way to Namjoon's car.

I take the handle of the car door in my hand. I go in and see that somehow masculine rabbit human thing. "HI HYUNG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH-" I give him a 'wtf' look and smiled. "I guess I missed you too..?"

"Aight, PUT YO SEATBELTS ON." Jungkook and I put our seatbelts on.

"so? Are you ready to move into our school?" Jungkook asks and gives me his signature bunny smile. "Yes, i'm ready!" I nod. "Do you have any goals you trynna reach for your first school year in our school?"

I thought for a second. "Maybe joining some clubs? Oh! And be friends with Jungmi.. My father told me to." Jungkook's eyes widen. "You wanna be friends with that bitch?"

"Bitch? How is she a bitch?" I ask, extremely confused. "Well, for starters, she is a cold-hearted bitch. No one knows why," Jungkook says. I blink a few times. "Yep. And she used to bully some 'weaklings' but she stopped, for some reason." Namjoon hyung adds.

I start to get the picture.. " And she is a dangerous gang leader! Her gang would talk shit about anyone! And also, if you try to fight back, next thing you know, you're getting beat up and kicked on the ground!" I widen my eyes.

"But.. When I met her, she was kinda nice and polite..?" I say, sort of defending Jungmi. "When was the last time you seen her?" Namjoon hyung asks, "4 years ago.." "Well, she changed! She turned into a cold-hearted, mean, and aggressive bitch!" Woah, I never knew she could be like that.

"Maybe Jimin hyung has a pass from dying? After all, their parents are friends." Jungkook wonders, 'yeah maybe he's right.' "Sure that may be true, but, even if you have a pass, you should never fuck with her gang." Namjoon hyung adds. "If we will become friends.. ah.. never mind."

We arrived at the school and Namjoon hyung parks his car. We make our way to the entrance. After getting my schedule and locker, We just started hanging out at the entrance because we were a little bit early, some students were just hanging around too. Chatting, laughing, some making tik toks (rEnEgADe ReNEgAdE)

Then I remember about that ringtone.. I quickly grab my phone and change the ringtone.

I smell smoke coming from the road, I look over and so does everyone else. I see a car with no roof, filled with teenage girls. The girls were wearing thin clothing, not too short, not to revealing. They were wearing natural makeup, they were smoking too. Then one caught my eye.

She was wearing a tank top that just covered her chest, it was black and the straps that was preventing the top from falling read Chanel all over. She wore high waist baggy white pants, and the sides also read Chanel. Her shoes were black boots. She wore a bucket hat with a strap, Chanel. She has chains for her necklace and some hanging from her pants. She had sunglasses on. She looked so cool.

I look over to the people from behind us, the girls looked jealous, while the guys were drooling over one girl, the one that caught my eyes. Then I look at her again, she looked familiar.

~Bad girl~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now