3.) Potions

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TW: swearing
Italics in quotations are thoughts!!

After their night at the Astronomy Tower, Harry couldn't sleep. He was so anxious about Potions class, even though it wasn't coming for another 3 hours or so. Harry decided that today would be a good day to try and impress Dray, knowing for sure his crush was growing bigger and bigger. He put on his best robes, brushed his teeth, put on his cologne, and, for once, brushed his hair. After all that work, Harry decided against all of it. It wasn't him. It was too...put together. After reverting to his old, Harry self, he went down to the common room. Hermione and Ron were waiting there, talking about something but stopped the moment that Harry entered the room.

"There you are!" Hermione said jumping up, "It's basically breakfast by now. Come on let's go." As she and Ron rushed out of the room, Harry stayed back, lost in thought. Thoughts about Draco.

Draco laid in bed for the remaining 3 hours before class. He couldn't stop thinking about Harry. He could feel a developing crush forming in his heart. When he thought about him all he wanted to do was scoop him up and hold him (and maybe do some unholy things as well). Draco took the last half hour before breakfast to put on his robes, style his hair, and look presentable.

He was more than excited to see Harry at breakfast, though most people assumed they were still enemies. As he left the Slytherin common room, he saw Harry and his friends ahead of him. He wanted to call out to him, but he felt he had a better view this way.

As Harry entered the Great Hall, he look for Draco. He wanted to just be able to see him. When Harry hadn't been able to lay eyes on him, he sat down, disappointed. That was until he saw Draco entering the Great Hall with a few other Slytherins. "Woah. I'm here before the 'always punctual' Draco Malfoy." Harry chuckled to himself. He watched as Draco plopped himself down at the Slytherin table, careful to not let him know he (Harry) was staring. That was going well until Hermione had to ruin it.

"Why do you keep looking at the Slytherins?" She asked with great curiosity.

Harry went red. "No reason. Just looking around the room." Anyone in a 15 mile radius could tell that was a lie.

"Oh does someone have a crush?" Ron teased. Due to Harry's very panicked response, Hermione and Ron teased him more saying things like, "Harry has a crush!" "A Slytherin?!" "WOW didn't know Harry was capable of lOve." "Are you in love with her?" "What's her name?!" Harry simply ignored them while being badgered with questions. He looked up at Draco for the mere comfort of seeing him, to realize he was already being stared at by a pair of gray eyes, dreamy as ever. Harry saw that, met his eyes, and turned away and returned to the intrusive questions, his face flushed.

When Draco entered the Great Hall, he felt eyes on him. Not the eyes of strangers, but the green eyes of the raven haired boy. He knew he (Harry) would stop staring if he (Draco) acknowledged that, so he just let Harry stare.

Everything was fine during breakfast. He could feel the occasional glances of Harry from the Gryffindor table, which never failed to make him blush. Then they stopped. He turned to see if Harry was alright when he saw Harry being bombarded by his two nitwit friends. Draco chuckled, seeing Harry's minute frustration. To Draco's demise though, Harry met his eyes. He blushed furiously and looked away. He was so embarrassed that Harry caught him staring.

Time came and went as the boys exchanged short glances at one another, each blushing if they met eyes. It was finally time to go to Potions. Both boys desperately wanted to walk together, but knew they would only be awkward and make it walk unenjoyable. When everyone arrived to class, Snape announced that there would be assigned seating. He started to place people.

"Ron and Blaise, Neville and Dean, Draco and Harry...." Snape trailed on as the two boys awkwardly, yet excitedly met eyes. They would be sitting together until Snape moved them. They both knew they had to be on their best behavior or they would be moved. They sat down at a table in the back, walking in unison.

"So Dray...looks like you and I are gonna be together for a while." Harry spoke.

"Yeah. I guess so." Draco smiled.

Snape continued to teach, but the boys didn't care. They exchanged glances and notes (making fun of professors of course), careful to be quiet and not let Snape know they weren't paying attention. While writing one note to Harry, Draco tumbled with his pencil. It fell to the ground with a light thud, earning Draco a glare from Snape. With an apologetic smile, he leaned to get it. To his surprise, Harry was looking at him, holding his pencil. The boys made eye contact, Draco thanking Harry and they both blushed. Harry's eyes wandered from Draco's lips to his eyes. Draco bit his lip, staring at Harry's. Both boys began to lean in. They could feel one another's warm breath and-


Snape dropped a book, tearing everyone's eyes, including Draco and Harry's, to the front of the room. Snape then looked around the room and spoke, "I am expecting everyone to be paying attention in my class." With that being said, he eyed Draco and Harry. No one noticed except Snape's victims. They both silently felt the highest level of embarrassment.

They went the whole rest of the class, silent. They exchanged a few looks about Snape's teaching, but spoke no words. When the class bell rang, Harry was about to leave when he felt something fall into his pocket. He felt around and found what had been put there:


Meet me outside at the lake, 9:00PM sharp. Let's have another fun night like last night. Don't feel obligated to bring anything. Just you :). See you then.

~ Dray"

Draco had already left. Harry blushed, but instantly stuffed the note in his pocket when he saw Ron and Hermione approaching.

"Wow imagine being paired with MALFOY. Of all people. How are you not pissed?" Ron asked, contemplating how he'd react if he were ever paired with Draco Malfoy for anything.

All Harry could manage to say while thinking about the note in his pocket were 3 words, almost unheard. "I don't know."


A/U: Thank you to the few people who took the time to read by story!! I am just beginning so don't be afraid to help me withy he storyline and how to make my writing better!! Thank you all :)

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