7.) The Truth

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TW: swearing
Italics in quotations are thoughts!

The Yule Ball was approaching and Harry was freaking out. When he agreed to go with Draco to the ball, he didn't consider one factor. Going with him meant one thing. One thing that could end his life forever. He would essentially be coming out to the whole school. Harry was now panicking. If he couldn't even begin to tell his closest friends about his sexuality, how would he be able to go with his boyfriend to the Yule Ball? Wait did he just use the phrase boyfriend? "We aren't dating! Right? We are just two people who have kissed and have a mutual attraction. That's all...right?" Harry knew he had to do something. But what needed to be done would break Draco's heart. He would have to tell Draco he couldn't go. It tore him apart just thinking about it. But it needed to be done. He sent a letter addressed to Draco and had it delivered to his common room.


Meet me at the Astronomy Tower after breakfast please. I need to tell you something. It's urgent.

- Harry"

When Draco woke up to this letter, he felt unsettled. "What is so important that Harry had to write me a letter?" Draco got out of bed and begun his daily routine of combing his hair, brushing his teeth, and putting on his best robes. The letter was still prominent in Draco's mind as he went through the motions of getting ready. Deciding to try and push it off, Draco met up with Pansy and Blaise and went down for breakfast.

When he got there, he saw that the rest of the Golden Trio at the Gryffindor table, but not Harry. Draco knew he couldn't just approach them to ask about Harry's whereabouts, so he suffered in silence. All throughout breakfast, Draco thought about the letter. What was so urgent? Why wasn't Harry here? Did Draco do something wrong? Draco was pulled from the invasive thoughts by a shake from Pansy.

"Dude! I've been asking the same question for 3 minutes now. What's up with you?" Pansy was visibly annoyed now.

"I'm sorry. My mind's stuck on other things right now."

"It's okay. I'm here if you want to talk about it. You know that right?" Pansy now sounded much more kind and nurturing.

"Yeah I do Pansy. I just can't right now. It's a lot for me to even process." Draco smiled half-heartedly.

After a few more minutes in silence, the questions finally got to him. "I'm gonna head back to the common room. See you later?" Draco didn't wait for a response before walking off towards the Astronomy Tower. He needed to know what was up with Harry.

Harry was sitting on the ground, staring at the castle grounds when Draco came up behind him. "Hey! I'm here." Harry turned around.

"Hi." Harry smiled, looking very nervous. He was about to tell Draco something that's as going to shatter him. He had a valid reason to be scared. Draco started to sense Harry's fear.

"What's wrong?" Draco walked over and sat next to Harry. He reached over to touch Harry's hand. Harry grabbed his hand tightly and fiercely. "Are you okay?"

"Dray, there's something really important I need to talk to you about. And I know you will probably hate me after telling you and you won't want to see me anymore and I get that bu-"

"Harry," Draco started, "it's okay. You can tell me what's wrong. It won't change anything."

Harry looked at Draco, his eyes full of fear. He summoned some of his Gryffindor bravery and ripped off the bandaid. "I'm so sorry. I can't go to the Yule Ball with you. And I know you are going to hate me but I can't. I love you so much and it's not your fault. I'm just not ready to come out to the whole school and there is no way for us to go together and not be forced to come out. I'm so sorry Dray."

Harry now had warm tears streaming down his cheeks. He heard a soft coo from Draco as his head was gently pulled to Draco's chest. Harry couldn't hold it in anymore. He began to sob. He knew he was letting his guard down, but he didn't care. He wanted to be with Draco so bad but he knew he couldn't handle it. When he finally began to calm down, Draco finally spoke up, asking a question that had started to nag him when Harry told him the truth.

"Did you say you love me?" Draco was blushing, deep in thought, though Harry couldn't see. Harry thought back over what he had said to Draco. Shit. He did say it. "What the fuck do I do now??"

"Erm...I think I did." Harry stayed silent, leaning on Draco's tear stained shirt.

"Well..what would you say if I loved you too?" Harry now sat up, staring directly into Draco's eyes.

"Really?" Harry's green eyes were full of love and hope as they looked back at Draco.

"Yes. Of course. How could I not?" Draco smiled giddily as he admitted this to Harry. He had been feeling it inside him, but didn't know what it was until Harry spoke those three magical words. "Can I ask you a question?"

Harry figured it was now time for the pressuring questions of why he wouldn't come out. "Yes." Harry swallowed nervously.

"I know you aren't ready to come out yet, but I was wondering if we could make this- you know, you and I, official? I know that you aren't ready for it to be public yet, but we can keep it between us. Like we are now. Except we would have an official title." Draco was sitting, staring at Harry, waiting for his response. He didn't know what the raven haired boy would say. Would it be a gracious yes? A hard no? An apology and run off? A smack to the face? For fucks sake this boy was so unpredictable.

"Yes." Harry finally said. A smile broke out on his face and tears formed as he repeated that word over and over, reaching out and hugging Draco tighter and tighter.

Draco was relieved and hugged Harry back. When they broke from their long hug, they engaged in a small kiss. It wasn't full of lust or even love. It was almost like a lock, sealing and connecting them with one another.

When they broke, they stared at one another. They were truly in love. They cuddled until they were certain they needed to go to class. They both stood up, engaging in a goodbye kiss, and began to leave one by one, Harry leaving first. As Harry was going down the stairs of the tower with a new joy, Draco called to him.

"Harry! Meet here after dinner? I have an idea but it's gonna need some preparation." Draco chuckled, thinking to himself what he had begun to plan.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry went down the rest of the stairs and straight to class. He ignored all the questions form Ron and Hermione about where he was, still deep in his daze. He couldn't wait for later that day when he got to see his boyfriend again.

A/N: Hi!!! I know I write way too many author's notes, but I just wanted to say the we are #70 in #crap. Thank you guys so much for reading my book! And I know I only have like 3 people who actively read it, but it still means a lot. Thank you guys!!

- P

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