4.) 9:00PM Sharp

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TW: swearing
Quotations in italics are thoughts!!

Harry was extremely excited to meet Draco. He wondered why he invited him to the lake. Yes, he knew it was to have another night like the previous..but why? Did Draco really just enjoy his company? Or was this going to turn out to be a cruel joke.

He decided that tonight he was going to get there early to surprise Draco. He knew he hated it when people were late. Harry got dressed and tried his best to tame his unkept, raven hair. He knew Draco wouldn't mind his messy hair. It was now 8:37. He knew Draco would be heading over soon and Harry wanted to beat him there. But he wanted to make it more fun - he was gonna scare Draco. Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak immediately, making up some lie to tell Ron and Hermione. He settled on a walk. "A walk. That's believable..right?" He knew he would only fool himself.

When he walked through the common room, Ron stopped him dead in his tracks. "And where do you think you're going?"

"Erm..f-for a walk." He stuttered, giving away his lie.

"Harry...where are you REALLY going?" Hermione chimed in. "Great now both of them are involved." Harry thought to himself.

"Guys it's really not important!" Harry said chuckling. It was now 8:43. Harry was dying to leave so he could still beat Draco. Hermione started to catch on to his quiet, yet mischievous grin.

"You are going to meet someone! Is it a girl?? It's that girl from Slytherin isn't it!!!" Hermione acted as though she just solved the most strenuous problem in the world. With Ron and Hermione now stuffing questions into Harry's brain, ("Tell us her name!!" "Is she hot? She better be hot." "Ron!" "Sorry." "Where are you guys meeting?" "Are you gonna snog?" "RONALD!" "Sorry!!"), Harry escaped from the common room, checking his watch. "Shit. It's almost 8:50. I might be able to still beat him." Harry pulled on his cloak and made his way towards the lake. When he arrived, Draco was already there. "Fuck!" But he was doing something. Setting something up..is that a picnic?

T I M E J U M P ( 7 : 0 9 P M )

Draco knew that Harry would love the picnic. He spent the day trying to think of what he would finally pack into the old wicker basket. He decided on a wide variety of things- chocolate, ice cream (charmed to stay cold), green apples, crackers, random pastries he also managed to steal from the kitchen, and 5 bottles of champagne (and two glasses). Draco packed everything into a neat clump in the basket, finally securing all the items with the soft blanket he chose for them to sit on. He also brought a music device, though he did not know the name (he found it on the grounds).

It was now 8:39 and he decided to head over to the lake and set everything up. He wanted everything to be perfect. When he got there, he began to lay everything out in the order he preplanned in his head. He wanted it all to be perfect for Harry. He knew this seemed like a romantic gesture..maybe he could play it off as a bromance. Yeah. Bromance.

When Draco finished setting everything up, he laid down, looking at the stars. Harry checked his watch from under the invisibility cloak. 8:59PM. Harry decided he would wait till Dray looked to take in the stars so he could sneak up on him. When Draco closed his eyes, he made his move.

"Hey." Harry spoke, stepping out form behind the tree he stood behind.

"Hey!" Draco said sitting up, surprised by Harry's sudden appearance. He checked his watch. "Wow. You actually came on time." He chuckled lightly.

"You said 9:00PM sharp." Harry smiled. He blushed, now getting to take in everything Draco set up. "Is this for us?"

"I mean...yeah. You like?"

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