Chapter 10

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"Zac, you need to go home," Claudia exclaims as soon as I walk into the kitchen

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"Zac, you need to go home," Claudia exclaims as soon as I walk into the kitchen.

"I'm fine here." I shrug in response, watching as she rolls her eyes, nudging Jordan with her shoulder.

"The State will do an inspection soon to make sure that everyone is making an effort in their new couples," she retorts. "They always do."

"Do you want Emilia to be arrested again?" Jordan inputs and I immediately grit my teeth, anger sweeping through my chest at the thought. Of course I fucking don't, I'm not a monster.

"I'll go back soon, I promise," I reply. "It's better for her if I stay away as much as possible."

"It's definitely better for me." Anna grins as she skips into the kitchen, dressed in one of my shirts. I see Claudia scowl at the sight and I instantly glare at Anna, knowing I'm going to get an earful from my friend's wife.

"Shut up, Anna!" Claudia snaps. "You need to stop whatever it is that's going on between the two of you. There's more at stake than you two giving it all up to fuck one another."

"Fuck you," Anna retorts, crossing her arms across her chest. The action does nothing for me, not like when Emilia and I argue, her instant reaction being to cross her arms, emphasising her tits and causing all the blood to flow down to my dick every single time.

"I need some air," I mutter, not willing to hang around and listen to a lecture from Claudia about my fuckboy ways. Grabbing onto the back door, I walk out into the cold, cloudy day and sit down on the top step, eyes fixed onto the dirty brick wall that surrounds the property.

"She's only trying to help." Jordan's voice comes from behind me before he appears at the corner of my eyes, sitting down beside me.

"I know," I admit, both of us falling silent.

I think back over the last six days, every night after work I had come back here, finding Anna in the bed that I sleep in. I hadn't pushed her out, just slid in beside her, attempting to ignore her as her arm came around me, grabbing onto my dick. I'd be lying if I said I stopped her, letting her do her thing as I unashamedly thought of a certain fiery blonde girl, my eyes screwed shut.

Am I using Anna? Probably. But I told her no a few times, her ignoring me and going down on me anyway. She wants to do it, and who am I to say no when I enjoy it.

"I'm not fucking Anna you know," I say, not knowing why I feel the need to explain myself to Jordan.

"You're not?" he replies, clearly startled by this information.

"No." I shrug. "She's alright for some stuff, but I just ain't feeling her for that anymore."

"A certain blonde distracting you?"

"Fuck no," I immediately retort. "I've got to keep my head on what we're trying to do here." I change the subject to what we should all be focusing on, not sex, and certainly not immature little blonde girls.

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