Chapter 40

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"Do we have everything we need?" Anna asks, her eyes fixed on Kieran's enormous backpack

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"Do we have everything we need?" Anna asks, her eyes fixed on Kieran's enormous backpack.

"Let's hope so." Kieran smirks.

"We should go," Jordan says, Claudia nodding beside him.

"Be careful," Emilia replies hoarsely and Claudia smiles before pulling her in for a hug.

"Don't get yourself killed," Kayla exclaims.

"Kayla!" Heidi hisses.

"We'll try not to," Jordan retorts before all of them pile out the door, numerous yells of 'good luck' following them. Kayla, Heidi and Sam all disappear into the next room, leaving my pouting wife and I alone.

"Stop being a spoilt brat." I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"You get to go, but I don't?" She scoffs.

I take a step towards her, pulling her reluctant self into my arms. "Bridget disappearing changed everything," I mutter. "They need an extra pair of hands, Em, and I'm the most skilled. You know that," I lecture her and she huffs against my chest.

"I'm not happy with you being out there," she mutters, her hands clutching at my shirt.

"I've never been one to act on the feelings of women," I retort jokingly. She instantly slaps my chest.

"You fucking jerk," she exclaims, pulling away with a small smirk on her lips.

I go to turn away, the look in her eyes haunting me. She's scared, and I'd be a liar to say I don't feel the same way. Facing her once more, I reach out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her against me. "I'll come back to you, baby," I promise before planting a harsh kiss onto her lips.

I don't wait for her reaction, instead turning and leaving, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Are you done crying with Miss Precious?" Anna mocks and I shoot her a glare.

"Let's just get this fucking over with," I snap, storming past her and into the alleyway. I hear the others following and ignore them, all of us walking down towards the south of the city in silence.

This is new for all of us. Sure, we've been training for something for years, but we've never known what we can actually do. Now that the night is here, uncertainty is surely rising in every single one of us. Will we succeed? What if we're caught? Fuck it. Everyone had numerous opportunities to back out but didn't.

Within half-hour we're skirting around the edge of the farm, voices low as we navigate to the sheltered woodland around the side.

"Alright," Jordan says. "We all know what we're doing, yeah?"

"Yeah," Anna replies, the others all nodding their heads.

"Let's just pray that the wall isn't electrified," Claudia mutters, her eyebrows furrowed with worry. It is the one thing in our plan that we aren't one hundred percent sure of, none of us able to obtain information that says any different.

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