Chapter 6

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Lydia's pov
We woke up at 9 today we are travelling too London which I couldn't be more exited for I've always wanted too go there.
I got dressed into a hoodie that was a light grey and then some light pink leggings hazel said they were different in a good way and looked good on me so I got them they were so soft. I then put some gloss on my lips and mascara because we were travelling most of the day anyway. Then I put my hair up in braids. "Hey Lydia this is my old phone have it. It's got are numbers on it so if you magically disappear you can call us" she says "brilliant" I say

We get into the car milo drives and me and hazel go in the back milo puts  music on. "What is this" I sign "what" milo says "this music" I moan "it's good" they both say "nope musicals" I say "what you're a theatre nerd" hazel says
"Matter fact I am I used to listen too it when I did home schooling" I say

"He let you listen too music" hazel
sounded shocked "well no but I pretended I needed to listen too something about the work" I wink "we have a rebel on are hands hazel " Milo says "so put heathers the musical on please" I begged "no I hate that musical" Milo  says "you can only if you sing the songs" hazel says "deal"

After a long karaoke session it was my turn too drive. I  only drove the easy   Roads because I wasn't used driving far only too the shops.

"So London what we doing too be doing" I say "let's go too M&M world hazel" says exited "wait I love M&Ms" Milo  says  "let's do it" I say "could we also do some touristy stuff" hazel says "oh yeah of course we will be in London for 3 days so plenty of time" Milo says we can on driving.

Back home pov (mother's)
I knew that Lydia left it was the best I've been in a sick game for years now I wish I could report him too the police but he's the sheriff. Lucky him. It's been 3 days and he'll be coming home soon I hope Lydia will be fine but my mind is thinking of the hate and abuse I'll get  of my second husband he was loving once but ever since Lydia kissed that lovely girl he's hurt us my plan was too act dumb and be worried that she's gone but I know she's fine she took money out of her bank but the bank doesn't track where. She didn't take clothes which confused me but the back of my mind hopes she ok. Maybe I'll escape him one day too but I rather her safety than mine after all.

Hazel pov 
Lydia was driving and Milo  was sleeping i just looked at the road, travelling was always so beautiful. The areas we'd go too usually the untied kingdom is rainy and wet but it was summer and apparently the hottest one in years living in a small town always made me feel like I couldn't explore me and Milo had some soul searching too do, and he added another soul who needed it the most. I looked at her and her beauty she didn't think she was pretty but she didn't mind only wearing some mascara and lipgloss me on the other hand wear makeup too hide the parts of me I dislike but also it's a passion of mine. Her newly cut and dyed hair in braids and some pieces out makes her look so pure. Even before I found her so beautiful.

Her blonde hair and dark brown eyes  she had freckles around her face and she was pale. But she didn't seem happy or even herself but the pink short hair makes it like her she was like a princess a bubblegum one. She saw me staring at her "like what you see Addams" she says sarcastically "of course Jones" I smirk she goes red. "Anyway" I say she nods "what's the thing you've always wanted too be when older" I say "easy west end actors or work for a magazine" she says confidently "wow you've known for awhile it seems" I say " yes I choose media studies as one of my gsecs  because I would be good for that online of course" she says "you could even be a model with you beautiful legs" I say flirting with her "thanks" she stutters

We talked for ages until it was my turn too drive and then milo woke up we talk for another 2 hours until we got to London.

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