Actions without thoughts aren't always bad

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*Same day*

*Blondie's POV*

Finally, after that job was done everyone was allowed to go back home. After parking the car, I get out of it to see our neighbor staring at her new car. Well, I think it was a new car because it wasn't there the last time I was here. 

I still decided to comment on it anyway, "Nice ride intruder!" Even making that comment made me smirk again, and I don't smirk so much. She looked over at me, dramatically rolled her eyes yelling a 'Shut up Blondie!' in the way, then got in her cat and drove off. Her behavior is too babyish to not be amused by. 

"I have never seen you smirk this much? Or smile so much. What's up?" Bozer was standing at the door, watching the whole exchange. 

I looked back to where she was standing before, the smile taking over my face again, "Nothing really, just we got some funny neighbor." 

"Really? Since when did the doctor and the therapist become fun?" 

I looked back at Bozer and shook my head, "Not them, someone else." 

He still looked confused as ever, probably thinking I'm seeing ghosts or something. I locked the car and walked home, to carry on what would now be a boring and uneventful day.

*Later that night*

Everyone had come over for pizza and a cold beer, which was our usual lingo. Talking about some joke that Jack thought was funny, suddenly everyone stopped talking when we heard lots of yells going on. 

"Where is that coming from?" Riley asks. When a door shut really loud, everyone looked to the right and I saw.. wait I still don't know her name, storming off to the edge of her yard, her pet dog trailing by her leg. 

"I've never seen her before," Jack remarks. 

"Yea that's ..uhh..she's our neighbor's daughter," I explain while standing up at the same time," I'll be back in a sec." Not looking back for any sort of response I walk up to the fence (yes, surprisingly her parents didn't want that privacy that other's usually ask for) separating our gardens and jump over it, landing on the bushes and causing a rustling among the leaves and the dog to run towards me. "Definitely did not think that through," I say to myself and wait for the dog's attack. 

"Leo STAY!" A voice sounds and I open my eyes to see.. god I need to know her name.. her facing me, "Care to explain why you're jumping fences like a bugler?" 

The question surprises me and also makes me realize that I did not know why did I do this in the first place. Why did I do this? I look at her to see she's still waiting for an answer. Quick think! THINK! Fine, first thing that comes to your head. 

"I uhh.. I wanted to comfort you." Sh*t, what the hell is wrong with me? I did not have to say that! "Comfort? Seriously? The boy who's only words till now are very closely related to lame sarcasm is here to comfort me?" She still does sound very angry, but then a small smile takes over her face, "Come here Blondie." 

Her statement catches me off guard. I still keep staring at her while she turns around and sits on a bench which I did not notice was there. 

A minute probably passes while I'm still standing and gawking like an idiot. She turns around and tilts her head, "Got your leg stuck or something?" 

It brings me out of my reverie and I walk out of the bushes and towards her, dusting myself off of any leaves or dirt that might've stuck onto me. I take a seat beside her, maintaining a respectable distance between us. We sit in silence for a while. 

"Do you wanna share why you were yelling with your parents?" I finally ask while looking at her profile. 

"You know? You're the first person EVER to ask me about my issues ever since I came back here. My parents haven't bothered to do that," She looks at me and smiles before continuing, "My birthday is this Friday and I don't have friends here but my parents are throwing me a party inviting all of their high-class friends over to show off how much money they have and how classy and top-notch their house is." 

"Okay I understand, but before I give my views about this, can I ask you something?" She nods in response. "What's your name?" Everything goes quiet for a second till she bursts out laughing and it sounded like the most melodious music in my ears. Seeing her laugh made me laugh too because of course, our situation was hilarious, here we were talking about our life issues, well, her life issues, and we didn't even know each other's names. 

After a little more of giggling from her, she looks at me again and puts her hand out in between us, "Hello there, my name is Jacelynn Rose Specter, and you are?" I shake hands with her, the smile never leaving my face. I swear my face will start hurting soon enough if I smile so much.

"Call me Angus, or Mac, or MacGyver. Well, my name is Angus MacGyver, now it's your choice. " What's with me and fumbling for words today? 

"Well, Angus it's great to know your name after so long. Now, do you care to give your opinion about my situation?" 

"Oh yes absolutely. Well, I think that it's your birthday, so do what you wish to do." 

"There were quite a few things that I did want to do, but the same harsh truth comes flashing in my face. I don't have friends here" 

"Then where do you have friends?" 

She does not reply for a moment, which makes me look at her, "Sensitive topic?". 

"Kinda..though not really. I have friends but they're.. for your convenience, let's say they're ghost friends. They're from New York. I'm from there too." 

 "Why do you say ghosts?" 

"If the day comes to my friend then I shall explain." Well, that's not mysterious at all. 

"I know we're not very close friends and all, but I'd really appreciate it if you came to my birthday party. At least there would be someone that I know" 

"I'd love to be the one person you know" :)

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