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There are two guards stationed outside of the staff entrance, and Marley's still trying to figure out how to talk his way past them. Right now his plan is to just walk through and hope they don't ask questions, but with his luck that's very unlikely. Also, he needs to be prepared for every outcome.

"If I keep the cameras off too long, someone will notice. We have to go." Nero tells Marley. They're currently hiding behind the row of bushes directly across from the entrance. Honestly, it's a wonder they haven't been caught at this point.

"Hang on," Marley replies, squinting at the guards. They're staring straight ahead, unmoving. Marley watches a staff member walk through the door. A guard asks for his ID, searches his bag, and finally lets him through.

"That's it. I'm going." Nero stands up, and starts to fucking walk away. Are you kidding? What happened to Marley being in charge? It's his house! Marley grumbles a swear under his breath and hurries to catch up with the man, who's doing a loop around the block so that, when they happen upon the guards, they won't be coming from a parking lot they have no business in.

Marley jogs to keep up with him, and he can hear his heart beat in his ears. The closer he gets to the guards, the more nervous he becomes. He's really glad these uniforms don't show the face or he'd be looking ten kinds of suspicious right about now.

When they reach the door, the guards don't look at them. Good sign. Nero walks with a confidence Marley wishes he had. Breaking rules has never sat well with him, but he's always been able to deal with it. However, breaking rules in Nocona Palace? That's a whole new level of nerve wracking.

For a good, hopeful moment, Marley really thinks that they'll be able to walk through the doorway without being questioned. However, before Nero can enter, the guard on the right holds out his arm like he's about to clothes-line them

"Do you have authorization to be in this division?"

Yeah, since birth.

Marley looks up at the guard that stopped them, whose head is turned in their direction. He hasn't moved from his standing position, though. Good. So he doesn't deem them as enough of a threat to brace himself for conflict.

"Yes." Marley replies. Nero has a professional, squared posture. Marley's sort of leaning to one side too much. He doesn't mean to, the armor just sort of messes with his balance. Nero is taller than both guards, unsurprisingly. The fact that the uniform adds a few inches makes it more noticeable. He's taller than most people, though. In fact, the only person Marley has ever seen match him height wise was Olucard.

"By whose order?"

Hm. Okay. Maybe Marley can do this.

"Captain Lux," Marley replies.

Captain Rowan Lux is the commander-in-chief of all armed forces in the Westhem. He's also the Executive of Defense, though that obviously has no weight since they're all united as one. During Marley's time with the guy, he's been very... 'I don't give a shit, I'll do what I want,' and Marley doesn't know how he's gotten so high up in the military chain of command, since he has a problem listening to anyone.

Plus, the guy appears really young. Olucard's age, at the very most. When Marley first met him, he'd been confused at how Rowan ranked so high so fast. Still, he's good at his job. So Marley can't complain too much.

"For what purpose?"

Okay. Fuck these guys.

"Why are you interrogating us?" Marley asks, clenching his fists. "I'm here by the orders of the Captain, you will let me through or get reported." Marley makes his voice sound as official as possible. It's false confidence, and Nero sort of leans away from him.

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