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There is a well-known myth, that had survived the years, about how elves and dwarfs formed the alliance that now brings peace to both kingdoms. It starts long ago, longer than you had lived and longer than you will live. We, elves and dwarfs, were unable to see the beauty of our differences, and that led to hatred. And it was such that one preferred to die rather than help the other species. But what aforetime was an enmity became the most powerful alliance in middle-earth thank you to a prince of elves and a master dwarf, known for being members of the fellowship of the ring. Their marriage joined our worlds, and allowed both, elves and dwarfs, to think differently than we did, to build the laws and the ways that are now the foundations of our civilizations, to establish the means of peace, equality and acceptance.

//I'm aware this isn't one of my bests but I had done it quickly and it was kind of a difficult word (If you have any ideas for this word I would love to see them in the comments).

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