(6) Lunch

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Aizawa had to head to lunch, but he didn't want to wake the small child asleep on his lap. He knew that she didn't get much sleep, so he carried her there.

She would need to eat, and he wanted her to be comfortable so he had the idea to bring her to Midoryia.

He walked into the lunch room and gently woke her up as he walked over to where his student was sitting.

Aizawa look at Midoryia and then looked at the child.
"Hello, Eri-Chan! Would you like to eat lunch with us?"

Eri rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and nodded groggily. Aizawa sat her down next to Midoryia.

Eri engrossed her self  in conversation with some students while Aizawa got her some soba.

She happily ate the soba and talked with his students until lunch was over.

A/N: Yes, I know this is a short chapter. Yes, I know I destroyed my update schedule. I'm sorry. This is a filler chapter and I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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