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trigger the fever - nct dream
1:44 ───|────── 3:27
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"jeongin! dinner's ready!" jeongin's mom shouted from the kitchen.

"mom, i was literally in the living room. you didn't need to shout." jeongin laughed, helping his mom put the food on the table.

"well, excuse me. usually you never leave your room." she teased.

jeongin scoffed, sitting down at the table. he looked towards the front door, hearing it open. his dad walked in dropping his stuff by the front door, and taking off his shoes.

"hi honey." he said, kissing his wife on the cheek. "dinner smells great."

the two adults joined their son at the table. they began to eat, talking about their day. well, more like his parents, jeongin was too busy rereading some of his texts. (guess whose texts he's reading? hint: 🐍)

"what do you keep smiling at your phone for? are you texting chan?" jeongin's dad asked.

"huh? oh, no. just reading over some texts from someone." jeongin absentmindedly said.

"well, you should put your phone down. we're at the table. this is our only chance to see you out of your room." his mom laughed.

"sorry. im just distracted by someone." jeongin blushed, putting down his phone.

"it's okay. how was your day?" she asked.

"normal, except for the fact that i got asked out." he said.

his mom gasped, while his dad choked on his food.

"what if it's finally happening?" his mom whispered to his dad with wide eyes.

"i don't know. i mean it's about time. we've been waiting for years." his dad whispered back.

"um, what are you guys talking about?"

his parents looked over at him as if they had forgotten he was there.

"nothing. who asked you out? was it chan?" his mom asked excitedly.

jeongin laughed. "no! what the heck? why would chan ask me out? we're best friends." he continued to laugh.

"so? best friends don't always stay best friends." his dad responded.

"well, that's not the case here. choi beomgyu was the boy who asked me out."


"the boy i've liked since the beginning of highschool." he said, surprised they don't remember his constant ranting about how cute the boy was.

"oh, that kid. well, uh, that's great honey. if you're happy then we're happy for you." his mom smiled, showing just where jeongin got the majority of his looks from.

"thanks mom."

"so when's the date?" his dad asked.

"next saturday at three."

"okay. well, just know if he breaks your heart, i will beat his ass. no hesitation."

"honey! don't cuss in front of him!" his mom smacked her husband's shoulder.

jeongin rolled his eyes. "mom i'm literally 16. you don't need to baby me."

"i know that, but you'll always be my baby."

jeongin scrunched up his nose. "ew. this is getting too sappy. i'm done eating, so i'm gonna go back to my room."

jeongin walked into his room, flopping onto his bed. he looked at his ceiling, studying the little bumps and ridges in it. that's until chan popped into his head. more specifically chan's lips.

jeongin never expected kissing to be like that, or for chan to be so good at it. he wasn't sure why he was thinking about it. he smacked his head, trying to clear his thoughts. yet his mind kept thinking about how perfectly chan's lips molded to his. like they were meant for each other. how warm chan's body was, and how soft his hair was. he kept imagining how chan looked when he pulled away. swollen lips, and a dazed look in his eyes. his lips tasted like cinnamon, with a hint of mint. jeongin kept thinking about how he couldn't wait for their next kissing "lesson".

jeongin pulled out his phone, trying to rid his head of these thoughts. he scrolled through his twitter and instagram for a little bit, but decided to get ready for bed. he brushed his teeth, did his facial routine, (boys can take care of their faces too uglies >:( i'll fight anyone who disagrees) turned off the lights in his room, and got into bed.

he closed his eyes, expecting to dream of his date with beomgyu.


thank you guys for allthe votes and comments!you guys put a

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thank you guys for all
the votes and comments!
you guys put a. smile on
my face this morning!
n e wayz, i'm not sure what
i went the next chapter to be.
i either want to do the date,
or something to do with chan.
i'm not sure, maybe both? :/
also, we stan jeongin's parents
being accepting of his sexuality.
we need more parents like that.

who's your bias in stray kids?

i have two.
chan and jeongin.
that's why i wrote this
story haha

i ate some oreos really early
this morning, and can i just
say those are some of the
tastiest oreos i've ever had.
they truly did hit different.
then i went back to sleep lmao

you are loved
you are beautiful
be safe and happy

kissing buddy || b.c + y.jgWhere stories live. Discover now