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Breakfast the next morning consisted of coffee and those super easy croissants that only go in the oven for five minutes or so. Little bit of Nutella, and it was heaven. She could hear Rebecca stumbling around in her room, and she waited patiently for her to come into the kitchen. She really wanted to tell her what happened the day before with Ashton. She had barely slept at all, playing the entire scenario over and over in her head. So much for being nice.

When Rebecca finally entered, she was hopping on one leg, trying to pull on her second boot.

“Hi honey!” she chirped, her auburn curls bouncing around her flushed face. “Oehh, that smells good, can I have one? I’m kinda in a hurry.”

“Yeah, sure,” Lyanna answered, gesturing towards the croissants.

Rebecca grabbed the one from Lyanna’s plate, the one that was already covered in Nutella, and took a huge bite. While chewing, she ran towards the cupboards and took out her thermos, which she filled with coffee.

“Where are you going? It’s Saturday, we don’t have classes.”

“I'm going to Luke, his brother and his girlfriend are coming over or something, we’re going out for lunch. But I haven’t seen Luke in days so I want to get some privacy first, if you know what I mean.”

She wiggled with her eyebrows, and shoved another huge bite of croissant into her mouth.

“Ewww, I don’t need to know that!” Lyanna laughed, “But, hey I kinda want to tell you something! I ran in to Luke yesterday at that cute little coffee shop, but he was there with Ashton.”

“Oh no, did he insult you again? I swear, if that boy – ”

“No, he didn’t actually. Luke had to leave, and I was going to leave as well, but then Ashton asked me if he could talk to me. And I sort of promised Sparrow I’d try to be nice, so I agreed.”

“So, what did he say?”

“He asked me why I hated him.”

The eyebrows of the red haired girl shot up in surprise.

“What, like it’s not obvious? Is he blind as well as stupid?”

“Well, I actually told him I didn’t, that I just don’t like him. But then I got all defensive, and I started yelling at him how he continually makes me feel like crap and I stormed out.”

“Good for you!”


“No, I'm serious! I don’t know why you even tried being nice. He is just an asshole, and you owe him nothing! Don’t tell me you feel bad about yelling at him?”


“Well, don’t! He deserves it! But, honey, I'm so sorry but I really gotta run, Luke’s brother is arriving in an hour or so, and I really need that quickie!”

She ran out of the kitchen, clutching her thermos in her hand. After some stumbling in the hallway, she came back into the kitchen with her coat on, and somehow looking gorgeous as ever. She kissed Lyanna on the top of her head.

“Don’t let him get to you, sweetie! You’re beautiful and I love you and he’s a piece of shit! Byee!”

As she stormed out, Lyanna frowned. She loved Rebecca, she really did, but sometimes she was just so bad at giving advice. Just then, her phone vibrated.

From: Sparrow

Can you come to the cabin today? It’s important, I really need your advice.

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