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Lyanna slipped on her heels and looked at herself in the mirror. Tonight was a party at Luke’s place. Knowing Luke and his roommate Calum, it would be a pretty big party. She liked parties well enough, but she never really bothered to get all dressed up. Heels were uncomfortable, especially when drunk, and tight, body hugging dresses like Rebecca wore on these nights just weren’t her thing. Usually she just wore something casual, so that it wouldn’t matter much if someone spilled a drink all over her (which had happened many times before), and some heavier makeup than usual.

But tonight she cared more what she looked like then usual. She was wearing her favourite little black dress, that flowed wide from her waist, and a denim jacket. Black smokey eyes, but no lipstick, because that would just smudge at the first drink. And black heels.

She was slightly scared of tripping and breaking her ankle, but she just resolved not to drink that much. She really wanted to look nice tonight.

Because maybe Michael would be there.

A few days back, she and Rebecca had been hanging out at Luke’s while he and Calum where discussing the invites. Calum had mentioned that there was this red haired boy in one of his classes, and that he seemed really cool. Luke had mentioned a few names of ginger boys he knew, asking if it was any of them, but Calum had said he wasn’t a natural ginger. Apparently the guy had a thing for dyeing his hair unnaturally bright colours, and red was just the latest one. They had agreed on inviting him, despite not even remembering his name.

Lyanna was almost completely sure it was Michael, and if he would be there, she would look her very best.


The party was in full swing by the time she arrived. It was only a short walk, but since she was wearing heels it took her a bit longer than usual. Music was pouring out of the open front door, and there were people walking around in the front yard, despite the freezing cold. Desperate to get a drink to warm herself up, Lyanna walked into the house and to the kitchen. Rebecca was sitting on the counter, Luke standing in between her legs, both of them holding drinks.


Okay, so Rebecca was already pretty drunk. She had been with Luke all afternoon. She had told Lyanna she would be helping him get the house ready for the party, but in reality they probably had been fucking all afternoon, leaving the preparations to Calum.

She greeted her best friend and her tall blond boyfriend, who gave her a beer, which she gladly took. She spotted Calum in the living room and went over to him. He was sitting on the couch, but stood up when he saw her walking over.

“Wow, look at you,” he said, looking her up and down, “You look really good! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress.”

He smiled wide at her, and she couldn’t help but blush a little. Last year when she had met Calum for the first time, she actually thought he was kind of hot, but their relationship had never developed into something romantic. He was like a brother to her, there was no sexual tension whatsoever.

“Thanks, Cal,” she said, returning the smile. “Hey, can I ask you something? You have to promise not to tell Becca or Luke, at least not now while they’re drunk, because then they will obsess over it.”

“Yeah, sure, what is it?”

“You know how you and Luke where talking about inviting that red haired boy? I think I might know him, and I was wondering if you know whether or not he is single?”

“Ahhh, I see, Little Lyanna has a cruuuuuuushh!”

He poked her side, making her stick out her tongue at him.

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