His Lawyer | Chapter 4. (edited)

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" Make me think I want you when I don't and I know this
Know that you would argue always, do me wrong, oh "
x Summer Walker

Word Count : 1258

𝙼𝚊𝚣𝚒 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚎̀ 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎

" Maz, Auntie said you gotta take me to the barbershop " Mazi seven year old Brother Marco said running in her room— Mazi smacked her teeth " Okay hold on lemme put on some clothes " Marco listened to Mazi leaving her room

Mazi changed out her clothes putting on a pair of grey biker shorts, red Nike shirt, and a pair of white Air Force
1s— Mazi placed her straight hair in a messy ponytail .

Mazi grabbed her keys and wallet walking out her room
" MARCO HURRY UP BEFORE YOU GET LEFT " Marco stomped down the stairs focusing on his phone
" Dang Maz— can I look good "

Marco was wearing a black Nike sweatsuit with Jordan 13s Cap and Gown— " Boy shut up and get in the car " Mazi said locking up the house " Can you stop by to get some food ? " Mazi nodded her head driving to McDonald's

" Do I look I'm worth McDonald's? " Mazi looked at Marco surprise " Who paying for it li' nigga ? " Marco smacked his lips " I want a happy meal "

Mazi ordered Marco his happy meal and Mazi ordered a large fry— After they left from McDonald's they drove to the barbershop " Mazi when daddy coming home ? "

" Soon Marc " Marco knew Dewayne was in jail— Marco wasn't dumb he knew at the age of six something wasn't right when his Dewayne wasn't at his birthday party

Mazi didn't like talking to Marco about their dad she always kept it simple— but one thing for certain she wasn't going to lie about any question he asked Marco was a curious little boy the way Marco act and talk was Dewayne up and down

Marco was actually a resemblance of Dewayne— Marco had soft mocha skin tone, light brown eyes, and thick curl hair just like Dewayne .

" You said that like five months ago " Marco said rolling his eyes " Aye lil boy " let's not forget Marco had Dewayne attitude

" Yo ass need a cut boa " Mazi said touching Dewayne hair— Dewayne tapped her hand away " Don't touch my hair "

They walked in the barber shop— and that's when Mazi saw Key he was focus on cutting his client hair Key looked good and especially from the side

" Damn who that is ? " Key client questioned licking his lips

" That girl gotta son abort mission " Fat said shaking his head

Key looked up and saw Mazi— She was focused talking to Marco " Aye nigga watch that shit " Key mugged slapping alcohol on his neck and hair line— making his client jump and twitch

" Thirty dollars nigga " Key said snatching his money from his hands shoving it in his pocket " I got lil man " Key called out

Mazi looked up and gave Key a soft smile— Mazi and Marco walked over to his station Marco got in the seat

" Wussup li' man "

His Lawyer | KG NOT EDITED Where stories live. Discover now