His Lawyer | Chapter 6 (edited)

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" Now everytime I ask you for a little cash You say no and turn right around and ask me for some ass " x Erykah Badu

Word Count : 1102

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜 𝚃𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍

Later on that night...

After I left from Mazi crib I was going to head back home I was really feeling Mazi— she got a nigga smiling I love it here

I checked my phone Carter was blowing my shit up I had 10 missed calls and 20 messages I sighed calling her back

" Nigga where you at I thought you was somewhere
dead?! "

" Yeah Carter I'm coming home I just gotta stop by the shop real quick "

" Okay baby " I hung the phone up on Carter heading to the barbershop picking up my money

I parked my car getting out " What the he fuck " I mumbled to myself somebody broke in my shop

I started running my hand across my waves— I walked in the back niggas ran off with my weed and the other shit 

I flipped on the light and saw Fat tied up in the corner " Yo fat ! " I said slapping him he woke up groaning

I called Dolph and Woo telling them to come over I rubbed my temples this why ion leave Fat in charge of shit—

How the fuck you let somebody Rob our shit— Dolph and Woo rushed in

" What the hell you mean we were robbed?! " Dolph said, clearly irritated I rubbed my temples
God what did I do to you ?

" What happened? " Fat asked rubbing his head I raised my fist almost finna punch him in his shit

" Nigga shut the fuck up, what it look like you illiterate ass you act so damn slow we GOT ROBBED " I yelled Fat looked around

" You let that shit happen too " Woo said co-signing sipping on his red cup I can't win from losing

" Y'all niggas tripping— look you still got them cameras I'll run em down to JB " Dolph said grabbing the security cameras

" Nigga trippin when we have cameras anyways— I'm the one that got knocked out " Fat said smacking his teeth

I pinched the bridge of my nose I was finna swing on the nigga but Woo grabbed me " He slow man... just chill
Key "

" Unhand me nigga "  Woo let me go

I felt like crying I just wanted to be held right now it was 1:00 in the morning " Man I'ma head out Carter before start trippin' " I mumbled walking out

All my damn Kilos and ten pounds of damn weed GONE

" Key what about the connect in Cuba— we can go to him he can hook us up"

His Lawyer | KG NOT EDITED Where stories live. Discover now