His Lawyer | Chapter 31 (edited)

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" Each day I feel so blessed to be looking at you Cause when you open your eyes, I feel alive My heart beats so damn quick when you say my name " - Beyoncè

Word Count : 1293

𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚑𝚒𝚜 , 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚎
" Hospital "

𝙼𝚊𝚣𝚒 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚎̀ 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎

" Can you please get that camera out my face " I gritted smacking the phone from Dolph hands

" Big rude ass– I'm trying to capture moments and shit " Dolph mugged picking up the phone

" Look Mazi this motivation– after you push out them babies " Katrina said holding up a bottle of Henny

" Aye Mazi yo' brother bad ass hell– he need an ass whoopin' li' bruh reset my whole phone " Woo said walking in holding onto Marco collar

" I don't wanna hear this shit right now " I groaned

" Aww Mazi– I brought some clothes for the babies this is so cute I'm ready to dress em' " Charmaine said walking in with some gift bags

" Where the fuck is Rashad with my water " I snapped

Speaking into existence Rashad walked

" So when they suppose to arrive as you females can say " Fat said sitting down in the chair eating on some chips

" Hey mommy– are you ready ? " The doctor said walking in

I nod my head " Just get them the fuck outta me " I whined

" Aye don't rush em " Rashad mugged if he was pushing out twins he would want them to get the fuck outta him

" Hello Ms. Gene are you ready for your babies " The tall black male questioned walking in

" Do it look like I'm ready ? " I questioned wiping the sweat from my face

" Okay I'm just going to see how many centimeters you are, so place prop your legs for me "

" Aye Aye fuck you doing nigga " Rashad mugged closing me legs

" You Dummy he's checking how far apart she is you so damn dumb " Katrina said smacking her lips

" Still ion wanna another nigga staring at her pussy "

" Yo dick be in everybody pussy " Charmaine mumbled

" You Inherited ass bit— "

" SHUT UP " I yelled at the both of em Rashad mumbled some stuff under his breath as Charmaine sat on Dolph lap

" You are 4 centimeters– we are getting there you want the epidural? "

" Hell no " Ion want that long ass shot in my back

" You doing good mama " Rashad said kissing my forehead scrunching his face

His Lawyer | KG NOT EDITED Where stories live. Discover now