His Lawyer | Chapter 19

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"Babies are a product of what two people needed from each other." Slim


Word Count : 1183

𝚁𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚢𝚟𝚒𝚞𝚜 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢

" Are you pregnant ? " I asked again slightly raising my voice " No Rashad damn— shut the fuck up " She said throwing away her trash

She so damn lucky I can't stand up " Is there something you want to say ? "

" Rashad you say something to me again I swear to god I'm locking the wheels and putting you in the corner " She gritted through her teeth

You so damn evil I wheeled my ass over somewhere else I'll be damn if she put in the corner— she walked upstairs slamming the door, " So you are pregnant? " I questioned to myself

I pulled out my blunt immediately lighting it— God please if you get me out of this I will never ever lie again please got come through I said saying a quiet prayer to

I got up out the wheelchair limping upstairs I swear if I fall again down these damn stairs— I made my way to my room

Ma❤️ is calling

" What Tameka ? "

" I know yo crippled ass ain't talking to me like that "

" I'm sorry— Ma what the fuck you want "

" Bitch shut up I'm telling you I was having a dream about babies "

" I know yo old ass can't produce no damn babies and ion have no babies so who is we talking bout "

" Azi " I press the red button she fin blow my high

I heard Mazi throwing up in the bathroom " Mazi— can you talk to me please "

I ran my hands against my face " Renè come here " She walked over to me and I pulled her down on my lap

" Wussup you gotta use yo words mama— did you take a test yet ? "

" It doesn't matter you don't want kids anyways "

" I do but not right now Mazi... I don't even have my life together yet and I want my life right before I bring anything into this world "

" So you want me to get an abortion... that's all you have to say Rashad "

" No... just lemme think about this first " She got up from from lap putting on her slides " Where you going ? "

Mazi ignored me walking out I wanna choke the bitch out so badly— I'ma just let her do her own thing... it's like I always gotta kiss her ass all the time but this not I'm not I'm putting my foot down

If she wanna be mad she can talk that shit over with God not me— where the fuck my blunt go ?

I smacked my teeth looking around for my blunt got dammit how the hell did I lose my blunt what the hell did I do— I grabbed my phone a called one of my homegirls Jewel

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