Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day with a splitting headache, i could feel my heart banging in my head. And what made it worse is that of how fast i shot up from my bed. I was covered in sweat, i think, was it?


I smelled like salt, and it wasn't sweat, it was water.



I collapsed to the floor with my tail forming as I fell. I hear a slight chuckle fom the other ened of my bed. I peak under the bed, an on the other end I could see two little feet with ten toes poking out. Charlotte.

"BOO!!!!!!" she yells, and then starts to giggle. I almost got scared, but I didn't because i already knew she was there.

"Not funny, Charlotte, what if mom or dad walked in, were would we be then? Would you be laughing?" I say, holding my hands out at my silver tail. Her smile disappears.She then gets up and helps me up also.

"I'm sorry, Britt, I wasn't even thinking about that, I just wanted to have a bit of fun. I really want to see you swimming, in the ocean. Have you even, actually been swimming since, you, you know were turned into a mermaid?"


"Wait, wait wait wait wait, you havnt been swimming yet! ARE YOU MAD WOMAN!"

"Well from the looks of it, im not a woman, IM A MERMAID!" I said to her in a sarcastic tone. "And for your information I was planning on today anyway." I nod my head forward, and raise my eyesbrows signiling for her to leave. She then rolls her eyes and brings one foot around and swirls it so that she is facing the door and then without bending she walks out like a zombie moaning. I am left alone laying on my carpet, with my soggy carpet clingin.g to my hands and tail. There was water dripping from my covers onto the floor next to me. Drip. Drip.Drip.Drip. it started to get annoying, so i grabbed a near by blanket from the basket besides my bed side dresser, and start to rub it all over my body, since I had no towle that was in my reach. It was all in my hair and down my shirt. And aparently the shirt your wearing when you are a human is the same one, youll have when your a mermaid, it dosnt magicly turn into a scale bra like mythical mirmais ones do.

So I was still was wearing my smiling poo pajama top. It waas kind of weird seeing the tail and these pajamas up next to each other. When Im done drying off about ten mintuets later, my tail sparkled and poofed into a pair of legs and the bottm half of my smiling poo pajamas. When I got up my legs wabbled and then I balance my self onto my bed. My hand went stright into the soggy covers, and instantly I fell again. Wow. Saw that one coming. I need to be more careful around water, or im gonna blow the whole 'i dont want to end up as a science experiment thing.'  I wiped off my hand and then got back up again as they changed back. I liked the buzz that came up from your feet to your hips when you transform, Its, its so magical, well it actualy kind of is.

This time I pulled off all the covers carefully as I could, trying not to touch the wet sheets as i did, and I throught tem intgo the basket to take down to the laundry room. The mattress was wet all the way through so i couldnt put on new sheets untill it dried I cant believe she poured a bucket of salt water on me! What was she thinking? But you got to admitt if you were her it would have been halerious to me. I change out of my smiling poo  pajamas, and pop on some white shorts and my silver bikini, seeing as how todays tail color, is silver, just for the sake of matching. But like any one is going to see me. Right? I hope not anyway.

I run downstairs in my bearfeet and run straight out the door, a little more than eager. I run right mast charolete who is standing under the awning. She satrts to yell after me and I stop. She is jogging to catch up with me and when she dose, she is out of breath.

"So....." She presses. "Are you ready?!" She changes her mood at that and starts jumping up and down with joy. I give her a nod and she jumps and squeals more. She grabs my hands and pulls me toward the edge of the dock, and then pushes me. I shreik, as i fall face first into the water. Not a ream magestical way to enter the water. The water consumed me, and ate me up. I was surrounded in water and my tail was formed. I could see cler as a summer day into the water. When I resurfaced, to my suprise, there were dark clouds rolling in from the ocean, and waves in the distance were roaring. Me and charolete glance at each other and she sighs. I swim towrad the shore, and dried my self off. As soon as I reached the inside of the house, it started to pour rain. I mean it was raining cats and dogs. The rain on our roof sounded like clapping wanting an onncore. My first attempt to swim in the ocean and a storm ppears out of the blue, on a beautiful day like today was.That was a little strand, or too strange. I have to do a little more reaserch before I enter the water again. Things might just be a little too dangorus, if i dont expect them.

The Mermaid's curse #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now