Decadent Candy Dreams (CH6)

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Excerpt taken from CHAPTER 6: ROCKY SHORELINE

I'm only sharing a fraction of it here! You can read the entire story on Radish Fiction. First 3 Chapters of all Radish stories are FREE!!

__________PREVIOUS CONTENT EXCLUDED____________

She took a deep breath and averted her gaze.

He tipped her chin up so she'd face him. "Anything you need."

"Anything?" She whispered. Her gaze fell to his mouth and lingered there for longer than was casual.

She gasped when his hand slid around the nape of her neck and he pressed their lips together. She exhaled into the thrilling electrical flow of energy between the points of skin contact. She arched toward him, his hands wrapping around her waist, sliding up and down her spine. Her fingers were tangled in his thick hair as he laid her down on the wooden planks.

His hand moved from her waist to curve over her butt, then wrapped around her thighs before returning to her waist again. The curious appendage roamed from her waist to her stomach then ventured down between her open legs to stroke over her panties.

She whimpered into his mouth gathering him closer by his shoulders.

She sighed and her head fell back when he moved the panties aside to stroke her bare lower lips.

He pulled away from her his eyes diving into her as he dipped his fingers into the moisture nestled at the cusp of her sex. His eyebrows pulled together as he searched her face but he didn't attempt to say anything that was going on in his mind.

Her eyes closed and her mouth opened delighting in the tantalizing play of his fingers. She felt his lips press against her jawline, then down her neck, over her collarbone, down her chest. He moved aside the low cut neckline of the dress revealing a breast. She gasped when he brought her into his mouth. A shiver rocked her when the wind caught the damp sensitive piece of flesh.

He spent some time on the other one before pulling up her dress and venturing lower, over her abs, stomach. She held her breath when he pulled her panties down along with his descend, his full attention on her most private area.

"Awe shit." She mummled when he closed his mouth around her sex.

Lapping, licking, the intricate exploration of his tongue and hands was liberating, freeing, causing a whirlwind of heat and flame to lick the back of her mind. Where she was cold from the breeze, she was grateful for the relief from the heat that seemed to consume her entire body.

Her body rolled of its own accord, seeming to be keeping its own rhythm, the rhythm of the growing drums in her body, the blaring siren a warning that rocks were close by, but she couldn't stop or turn the ship. All she could do was crash into the pending threat over her own sanity.

__________TO BE CONTINUED____________


Takes a little bit for these two to get to the good but once they do... ;)

This is the third story in the Sugar Dolls Collection!

I hope you enjoyed this hot little excerpt. I'll see you soon for another one! Make sure to VOTE/COMMENT/FOLLOW me on Insta so much new content coming.

You can read the entire story on Radish Fiction. First 3 Chapters of all Radish stories are FREE!! Direct link to story is in my bio...

Always my best,


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