It Feels Great To Be Home Again

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  Dee is in the kitchen, sitting at the dining table. Shes human again,her short hair pulled into a small bun. Her scarf is wrapped around her shoulders.
She stares down at the table, chewing on the cap of a pen. Dee can hear Daves faint sobs from upstairs and it makes her feel absolutely horrible. She cant believe Jack didn't tell them he couldn't come. Shes so SO angry.. but. She understands. He didn't want to hurt them. It just.. would have been so much easier if he was here. Now Peters mad at her and Blackjack went missing so Dave is hiding up in his room and she feels horrible and everything-
Ding dong.
Dee stands. Who could that be? Peter, maybe? Maybe she can apologize.
Dee walks over to the door and grabs the handle, bracing herself a bit. She takes a deep breath and opens it.
"Peter I-"
That is not Peter. Dee stares at him.
Jack smiles, his whole face lighting up. Fredbear stands behind the orange man.
Dee examines Jack. "But- you- I thought-" shes at a complete loss for words. She blinks. "-But you don't have a soul to be here! What!?"
Jack laughs a bit. He grabs Dee and pulls her info a tight hug, squeezing.
"I missed you so much!!!" He ruffles up Dees hair. "I just— thank Fredbear! He brought me here! Its- its a really long story! Wheres Dave? And Peter? And- and Steven!?" Jack lets go, examining Dees face. His smile falls. "Oh.."
Dee gulps. "Daves upstairs. I.. I have to go do something, okay? Go comfort Dave." Dee smiles and hugs Jack for another brief moment before stepping out of the house. She pats Fredbears chest and starts walking down the street.
Jack watches her go. He messes with his hair a bit and sighs. Jack turns to Fredbear.
"Thank you for bringing me back. Thank you so much. It means the whole world to me, Fredbear."
"Its not a problem, Jack! Its what you deserve." The bear grins and pats Jacks head. "I'll leave you two be and go on my way. Good luck!" The bear slowly fades into nothing-ness. Jack walks into his house and closes the door behind himself. He walks up the stairs, hearing Daves sobs. He feels his heart sink.
Jack knocks on the door, grabbing the handle. He peaks into the room.
"Gh- go away, Dee! I told you i— hic- wanted to be left alone!" Daves voice is trembly and weak. How long has he been crying for..?
Jack comes into the room, closing the door behind him. "Dave.. its me."
Dave goes silent and darts up, staring at Jack. He gets out of Jacks bed and rushes up fo Jack, grabbing onto his face. He stretches and squishes his cheeks, examining his face.
"J.. Jack..?" He smiles a little, his eyebrows furrowing. "Its actually you?"
"Of course it is, idiot." He gently pushes Daves hands away. He wipes away Daves tears. "I didn't think I would be coming back but.. Fredbear gave me back my soul."
"Is that why Blackjack went missing..?" Dave rubs his eyes. They feel sore and gross. He grabs onto Jack and presses his face into Jacks chest. He uses his shirt as a tissue for his tears and—snot.
Jack cringes, patting Daves back.
"Mm.. yep. Thanks. I missed you, too."
Dave chuckles and adjusts himself so that hes slumped over Jack, his head on Jacks shoulder. "Mhmnnn- how could you not miss me?" He sniffs a bit, wiping away a few more tears.
Jack sits down on the bed and pulls Dave besides him.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jack takes Daves hand and intertwines their fingers. "You were just crying really fucking hard. You wanna talk about it?"
"That.. would be nice, Sportsy." Dave smiles a bit. He glances down at their hands. He leans his head on Jacks shoulder. "It.. just.? Im so clingy.. and hearing that I wouldn't be able to see you ever again.. hurt. Really bad."
Jack nods. He squeezes Daves hand.
"I get it.."
"And— and so I kept Blackjack and his collar with me. But suddenly it went missing. Peter and Dee started arguing again- nothing serious its just.. not very nice to listsn to, yknow..?"
Jack frowns. Is that why Dee was in such a rush..?
"And— it just.. I thought I lost you forever, old sport.."
Jack adjusts himself, sitting on the bed criss cross while facing Dave. "I'm so sorry I did that to you. I didn't know that.. i'd come back. Or that'd I hurt you that much." Jack bites on his lip a bit, wiping his own eyes. "Hah- sorry i'm getting emotional!" He smiles. Dave takes both of Jacks hands. He takes a deep breath, staring Jack in the eyes.
"I love you, Jack."
Jack can feel his face flush. He examines his face. Theyve— always flirted. And joked. But hes never seen Dave so serious while saying that-
"I..-" Jack is speechless. He was caught off guard. Dave furrows his eyebrows, looking a bit stressed. Jack smiles. "Are you joking?—" he clears his throat. "Ok of course you aren't—" he squeezes Daves hands. "I love you too, Dave. I justt— was not expecting that." He chuckles. Dave looks relieved. He pulls his hands away and grabs Jack, yanking him into a hug. Dave looks at Jack, their faces extremely close together.
Jack scans his face, his eyes wide. "Uhmn-" he smiles a bit. "Dave?"
Dave sighs. He pulls away and rubs his face again. "I'm glad you're back, old sport. It wouldn't be the same without you."
Jack stares. He adjusts the collar of his shirt. "I— yea. Yea. Im glad im back as well, Dave." He clears his throat. "Should.. we check if Dee and Peter are back yet?" Jack stands and brushes himself off lightly. Dave stands as well.
"Yea. Lets." He waits for Jack to go out first, following behind him.
The first thing Jack is greeted with is being jumped on by Peter.
Hey! No more phone-head! Just his old brother Peter. What a sight for sore eyes.
Jack stares at Peter, a smile immediately spreading across his face. He returns the hug and squeezes.
"Peter!" He laughs a bit.
Peter pulls away. He glares at Jack.
"You idiot! What the hell were you thinking!? Why didn't you tell us you couldn't come!? And then you're suddenly here! Do you know how much you scared us!?"
Jacks smile falls. He rubs his arm.
"I- I didn't actually think I would be back. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have, but I wanted you guys to move on. If I had told you then you wouldn't have. I know you wouldn't." Jack gets up from the floor, offering to help up Peter. Peter pushes aside Jacks hand aside and stands. "Of course. Typical Jack move." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'm just glad to have you back, okay?" Peter rubs his face and groans.
Dee clears her throat. She smiles a bit. "Stevens here too.."
Jack smiles. "Oh! Great. Is he downstairs?" Dee nods, leading the three down.
Peter is in the living room, pacing a bit. He glances back at the four and smiles a bit when he sees Jack. "He is back!"
Jack rubs his neck.
"Yea! Its nice to see you, Steven-" he examines him. Steven has slicked back black hair, and for some reason, hes wearing a suit still.
Steven offers Jack a handshake. Jack knows better than to refuse and just sighs.

The five of them had a nice night. Steven didn't stay for too long. They watched movies, went out to buy dumb shit, and overall just had a great time all together.
Jack sits down on his bed and sighs.
Dave stares up at him from his makeshift bed on the floor. "You're sure I can't sleep up there, old sport?"
"No, Dave. Thats.. awkward.
"But we did in Vegas! And you even cuddled me!"
Jack grunts. He moves to the other side of the bed. "Get up here, you idiot." He lays down and gets comfortable as Dave hops up and lays down as well. Dave faces towards Jack, staring at him.
Jack lays on his back, facing the ceiling. He glances at Dave from the corner of his eyes.
"This is why I didn't want you up here, Dave. Go to sleep."
"Oh- sorry, sportsy." Dave smiles and closes his eyes.
Jack watches him for a moment before doing the same. He moves onto his side and hugs his pillow close.
He slowly falls asleep.
Tomorrow is another day, right?

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