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Jack awakens in a dark, cold room. He slowly sits up. He puts a hand over his head, groaning in pain.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Jack stands, brushing dirt off of himself. "Where am I..?" He looks around his surroundings. Its all empty. Cold. Practically nothing.
Jack starts walking. He starts getting the feeling that something is behind him. He tries to brush it off, but this whole situation is so eery. The feeling is becoming overwhelming. His breathing is becoming heavier.
Jack turns, looking for whoever said his name. It was far too deep and groggy sounding to be Daves. The voice sounded almost— choked up. Like they have a frog in their throat.
"Yes!? Hello! Where are you?" He shouts, turning in circles. His heart starts racing. Jack continues. It feels like he's walking in a pit of tar. His feet stick to the ground, and each step becomes increasingly difficult. He stops, feeling a shiver go up his spine.
    "I'm right here, Jack."
The voice seems to surround him, coming from every corner in this disgusting place. He turns, searching for the thing trying to talk to him.
   "Where!? Show yourself!"
He looks down to see his legs slowly sinking into the darkness. Panic rises in his chest and he struggles, trying to pull his feet out of this inky black substance. It seems to crawl up his legs, as if it had a mind of its own.
   "We always come back, don't we, Jack? Even you couldn't stay dead. The protagonist always has to have someone to fight, don't they?"
Jack struggles, trying to rip off these strange vine-like creatures.
   "What the HELL does that mean!?"
A pit forms in his stomach as he slowly sees someone emerge from the darkness.
It can't be-
"JACK! Old sport! Wake up!"
   Jacks eyes dart open and hes met with a concerned looking Aubergine.
   "Ughh.." Jack rubs his head. "I was dreaming?"
   "Yea, and you kept writhing around! Cmon, we can't cuddle if you're having nightmares, sportsy!" Dave pouts, seemingly only bothered by the fact he was awoken. Jack smiles a little.
   "Of course. My bad, Dave. What time is it?"
   "Oh, its almost noon!"
   "What!?" Jack darts out of bed, checking the alarm clock. He groans and slaps a hand onto his face. "Of course. I forgot to set my alarm." Jack gets up. He grabs some clothes to change into and looks at Dave. "Can you leave?"
Dave frowns.
"Aww, I cant stay??"
"N o. Get out."
"Damn.." Dave shuffles to the door, looking at Jack again.
"N o."
Dave whines and walks out of his room.
Jack changes and comes downstairs, seeing Peter and Dee making breakfast together. The counters are a mess, covered in flour and pancake batter. Dee and Peter look like they're having a blast. Jack smiles and leans on the table, watching them.
"Morning, guys."
Dee and Peter glance over. They smile.
"Morning, Jack!l Dee grabs another scoop of batter, dropping it into a pan. Peter hums and checks on the bacon.
"Food should be ready soon."
Dave steps into the kitchen and wraps his arm around Jacks shoulders. Jack glances at him and smiles, gently pushing it off. Dave huffs, but doesn't complain. He sits at the table and pulls the chair out next to him for Jack. Jack sits down, messing with his hands. He thinks about the nightmare he had. The feeling of sinking into that dark pit.. it makes him uneasy. Hes pulled out of his thought by Dee putting a plate on the table. She slides it over to Dave, and then gives Jack his own.
"Oh- thank you, Dee." Jack smiles
"Thanks, sister!" Dave starts eating.
"Dave, thats weird. Stop calling me that." Dee sits down and shoots a glare at Dave. He just shrugs and digs into his food, eating like a wild animal. Jack nudges him.
"Hey, slow down, man. You're gonna choke-"
"No worries, sportsy! I always eat like this."
"I know but-" Jack sighs. He shrugs and starts eating.
Everyone starts chatting. Overall, everyone is very relaxed. Except for Jack. But he tries to push it aside, assuming its just the stress of facing.. what he did before he died. Again.
"So, what should we do today?" Peter chimes in. He stabs at his pancakes.
"Hmm.. well. Maybe we could go to the fair that just recently opened up?" Dee suggests.
Jack tilts his head. How does this world work anyway..? Are they just. Alive. Again? But in a heavenly place? Strange..
"That sounds like a good idea! Sportsy can play games and win things for me." Dave grins and leans back in his chair, already finished.
"Wait, who said i'd get you things?" Jack crosses his arms.
"Uhm.. Me! I did." Dave grins.
Jack sighs, shrugging.
"Alright, fine." He finishes up his food. "We should also get Dave some of his own clothess..." Jack taps his fork on the plate lightly. Dave shrugs.
"I like wearing your clothes!"
"Come on, Dave. Most of the time they dont even fit you. And i dont want you stretching out my clothes.." Jack finishes up his food and stands. He takes Daves dirty dishes and his own, bringing them to the sink. He turns towards the others, smiling. "Well- should we get going?"
Dee grins and jumps up from her seat. She nods quickly, going to grab her jacket. Peter gets up and grumbles. Taking Dees dishes for her.
Jack goes upstairs to get his things, noticing Dave following behind him.
Jack walks into the room and grabs his wallet and car keys. He tenses as he feels Daves arms wrap around him from behind.
"Hey, Sportsy!"
"Hi, Dave. What do you need?"
Jack smiles and leans his head back onto Daves chest, looking up at him. His smile fades as he sees Dave has a worried expression.
"Old sport uhm.. do you wanna talk about your nightmare? You've seemed kind of off today,"
"Oh, no! Its fine. Don't worry about it, Dave." Jack pulls away and pats his chest, grabbing his swimshorts from his dresser.
"Are ya sure? I-"
"I'm positive. Look, Dave, we have to leave soon. No need to worry! I'm sure i'll forget about it completely when we get going." Jack looks at Dave and gives him a reassuring smile. Dave returns it, ruffling up Jacks hair. He throws his arm around Jack.
"If ya insist, old sport! Lets go downstairs with the others." Dave walks out of the bedroom with Jack, hopping down the steps. Jack follows behind and walks to the others. He smiles at his family and swings the car keys around his finger, walking out of the front door. He heads to the car.
Heyy guys! Sorry for taking so long to write this one :(. Ive been feeling really unmotivated with the story, and I need to plan it out better. Still, I have fun writing it! I'll see ya guys next chapter ;)!

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