Chapter #15 The Legendary Armor of Kamisama

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            Christian, six of the seven chosen, and Raziel all slowly trailed behind the levitating summoning, making sure to stay alert and be as cautious as possible. The youthful prince didn't dare leave the grand duke's side not even for an instant. He was terrified of the long narrow tunnel of which they traveled down and feared what lurked at the end. The self-ignited torches along the sides of the wall danced in the darkness. Number two's light that shined from its open mouth and eye sockets illuminated the ominous path far better than the weak flames.

"Hm!" Kaz sounded.

Rufus looked at him with wonder, "What?"

"If this stupid monsters gonna take us to a magic armor then why not get it and use it to beat tha crap outta that ugly magic guy." Kaz suggested.

"Because we're not going to risk endangering Carmon even more." Raziel reminded.

"Pft, screw tha money." he said referring to his arraigned deal with Grechov, "Now my life is on tha line and I say we jump that fire guy." Kaz disagreed.

Raziel stopped and turned to look at Kaz, "You had better do as the rest of us, cause if my daughter is harmed because of your stupidity..." Raziel threatened.

Kaz protest the grand duke's threat with his facial expression, "Or what? What are you gonna do?" he asked making a fist readying to fight the grand duke.

Raziel's temper began to burn from the man's disrespect, lack of concern for others, and disobedience. The grand duke prepared to humble the instigator and readied a clear punch to his face. Christian was nervous and looked on at the two preparing to fight one another when suddenly the flames along the walls burned brighter and more intense.

"That's enough fight'n amoungst yurselves!" Fire starter's voice declared.

Everyone in the old tunnel looked around for any signs of the fire mystic, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Everybody else heard tha fire guy's voice, right?" Wade asked.

"Yeeaah." Seth replied wearily.

"How?" Wraith wondered.

"Fire starter started the fires alongside the tunnel, so he can watch and hear you all through the flames." the creepy summoning informed.

"YEAH! So, stop squabbl'n with each otha and get ta mov'n!" Fire starter ordered.

Seth walked between Raziel and Kaz and stood in between the two, "Let's just focus on one jerk at a time, okay?" he stated holding his hands out as if pushing the two away from each other.

Kaz and Raziel were both angry at one another, but continued on their way and followed the magical creature, "That's better." it stated.

While walking, Seth looked about the cave like tunnel, inspecting the details all around. He was interested to notice that despite being underground, the tunnel walls, floor, and ceiling were all completely void of any moisture. Suddenly an annoying tune rang from out of nowhere which startled everyone including Number two. Christian was so jumpy that he yelled from everybody's joint reaction, which only aided to making them all jump.

"What tha hell was that?" Vincent asked upset.

Rufus checked his cell phone, "Hey, I gotta a text message!" he replied happily.

Seth was breathing heavily since his heart skipped a beat, "I thought that damn thing wasn't working."

"I guess it comes and goes here." Rufus figured.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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