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Chapter four;
Bikinis and Adore

We arrived at the store in no time and of course, it was packed. I absolutely hate packed places, makes me get all nervous and crap. I hate crowds. Adore grabs my arm with a reassuring smile. Pearl walks in front of us, accompanied by her true companion, a purse.

Blair stands beside her though and we enter the packed store. Pearl easily pushes people aside and clears a path for us. She guides us back to the swimwear section and we split up to find different swimsuit/bikinis. I've always been conscious about my body so I settle for a cute baby pink one piece.

Adore goes with a black two piece that cuts off, nearly showing her ass. Pearl goes with a shimmery white one, Brianna chooses a baby blue two piece and Blair goes with a light orange one piece. Pearl pushes through more people for us and we check out. "Lemme guess why you took so long in the dressing room, " I say to Adore who turns to me blushing.

"Phone" I hold out my hand and she sighs heavily but hands me it. "Oh god Adore. She can get in trouble for this! " I hiss looking at the awkward bikini picture she sent to Ms. Del Rio. Adore grabs her phone back with a glare. "I turn eighteen in a year, I'm sure I can manage. Plus she's only three years older" Adore sighs. [Age manipulated to make sense]

"I still don't understand. I thought you only flirted with her to let us get away with things. " Pearl comments turning and walking backwards while looking at adore. Adore plays with her fingers. "I dunno..i guess just ya know I kinda.. Like her? " Blair smiles softly.

"At least your happy, " Adore nods beaming. "Now girls, I heard about this killer Boba shop only like two-three miles away. " Blair pulls out her phone and shows us as we reach Pearls car. "Yum, what's it called? " Pearl and Brianna enter the front seat and me, adore, and Blair squeeze into the back.

"Tia's Boba. " Blair replies after we get our seatbelts hooked. "Okay then let's go get some boba! " Pearl calls out as she zooms away. I pull out my phone and begin to play a game to pass time. "Sorry if I sounded a little harsh earlier." Adore mumbles to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

I shrug. "I just wanna see you happy is all. And if your happy with our teacher then I'll accept it. " I laugh a little at the ending. Up front pearl turns down the radio. "Are we still talking about the Del Rio sitch?" Adore and I shake ours heads in unison.

Written by adorescupcake

[shorter chapter]

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