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Chapter eight;
The family dinner

Adore and I stayed in my room for a little longer, just chatting. "Can I ask you something? " I say rubbing my arm a bit. Adore nods setting down her phone. "What's up? " She replies. I play with my fingers. "What's it like? Being with her? Ya know, actually being in a relationship? " Adore smiles softly.

"We haven't really established that we're in a relationship but, it's nice. Comforting. I like knowing that she's mine and I'm hers. Even though she's older. Just means she's more mature and won't like cheat. It comforts me to know that I have someone. " I take in her words with a small nod like I understand. Though I don't. My last relationship was shit. I don't want to get into it.

"Comfort.. " I mutter. Suddenly the door bursts open and Adores mother comes bounding in. "Hey girls! " Adore rolls her eyes and stands up. "Mom seriously you need to learn boundaries" Adores mother shrugs her off.

"Your father finished dinner and we would like it if you came down. " Adore nodded tapping her foot. I nodded too and Adores mother left. "Jesus, it's like boundaries aren't a thing for her" Adore sighs shaking her head and grabbing her phone off my bed. I shrug and get up, also grabbing my phone. I take one last look at my guitar before leaving.

Adore and I walk down stairs, immediately smelling the food. "Oh great! Tacos! " Adore cheers running to the dining room. I laugh and follow her. I walk into the dining room and see adore already sitting, eager to start the meal. I sit across from her and we begin.

"So tracy-" "It's Trixie" "Right sorry. Trixie have you found anyone special yet? Got yourself a good song man yet? " Adores father asks. I nervously bite my taco. "No sir im-" I look over at adore who shakes her head fast. "I'm uh.. Not seeing anyone. I like being alone.. " Well that's a lie. Adore nods.

"Hopefully one day you'll find one. We also hope our little girl will find one someday. " Adore laughs awkwardly. "Of course dad! Just trying to find a good one! " She eyes me. I frown and mouth to her. 'Are they...?' She nods. Well damn, I've been with them for a whole year and didn't even know they were homophobic. Shit dude.

"Oh enough of that. Let's-" My phone starts to go off. My face goes red with embarrassment as my Dolly Parton ring tone sounds. I check it and see Blair is trying to face time me. "Sorry I have to take this. " Adores mother nods with a almost annoyed expression. I get up and walk outside, quickly answering.

"Why are you calling me? I'm at dinner with Adores family! " I from pointing to the door. "Sorry! I just wanted to say that I was really sorry for everything at Tia's and the parking lot. I didn't mean to completely ignore you. Don't worry pearl and Bri talked some sense into me. " I shrug. "It's okay. I was a little upset but adore helped me. "

Blair nods with a smile. "We're still friends right? " What a child. I nod with a slight laugh. "Yay! Have fun with your dinner! " "Thanks bye! " I leave the call with a sigh and re enter the house. I walk back into the dining room and take my seat. "Who was it? " Adore asks taking a bite of her taco. "Blair. " I smile. Adore immediately smiles. "You guys good? " I nod and she wiggles a bit. "Yay! " She whisper shouts. I grin.

"Anyways, Trixie, I didn't know you played guitar. I was so surprised when I found it. " My smile fades at adores mothers words. "It was my mothers.." I say quietly. "Oh.." I set down my taco and stand. "I'm super tired so I'm just going to head to bed. I rush out of the room and hear adore. " Jesus God mom look what you did! " I run up to my room. I turn and shut and lock my door. I take off my shoes and my clothes and change into my sleep wear.

Then I flop on my bed, trying to sleep.

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