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Chapter twenty three

"Oh hell yeah! " Aja jumped up and ran around the house cheering. Aqauria sighed. Aja had won our game of Mario and was now bragging to everyone. "She's too hyper. " Brianna chuckled rubbing her head. I nod.

Aja finally calms down and runs back over to the couch, ploping down next to me. " Hey Trixie? Mind calling Katya? It's nine o'clock and she should be up by now. "Aqauria asks. I nod and pull out my phone. I click on katyas contact and call her.

There's silence for a minute and then some random Lana Del Rey song started to play upstairs. There was a thud and then Katya answered. "Yeah..? " She says groggily. "Mind coming downstairs? It's nine already. " Katya gave a grunt that sounded like a yes so I hung up.

Soon enough Katya stumbled down the steps, almost tripping. She walked over to the couch and smiled softly. "Good morning.. " She collapsed beside me and then snuggled herself into my waist. "Well that's new. " Aqauria pointed out with a grin. I looked down at Katya who lay her head on my lap.

I smile fondly at her childish behavior. Aqauria stands. "I'll go make her some breakfast. " Aqauria walks to the kitchen with aja following behind, whining about being hungry too. Brianna scoots close to me. "Want me to call adore and tell her your here? " I shake my head.

"It'd be best if she didn't know. I'll just relax here with you guys and then I'll go home. I don't feel like being there right now. " Katya shifts. She looks up at me with tired eyes. "Did something happen?" She asks, a yawn following suit.

I shake my head. "No nothing happened. " She fully sits up and rubs her eyes. "Were you up late? " I ask watching her yawn once more. She nods. Katya then pulls out her phone and opens up her calls. "I got a miss call from adore. You didn't tell here you were going here? " She asks quietly. I shake my head.

"I just went outside and started walking, then I found aqauria and bri in the seven eleven, they took me here and we played Mario Party. " Katya processed my words for a minute before lightly slapping my knee. "Ow.." I whine rubbing it. "That was dumb Trixie. You could have gotten kidnapped. Or you could have hurt yourself. " Katya gives me a stern look.

"Who would want to kidnap me? I'm not valuable Katya. " I rub my knee. "Well your valuable to me. " Katya huffs and turns away from me. I place a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry Katya. " I say plainly. Katya doesn't turn back. "Katya come on. I'm sorry. " Katya mumbles something and then turns. "I can't hear you. "

"Gimme a kiss. " Katya pushes her lips together and makes a kissing motion towards me. I lean forward and kiss her. She hums a happy tune and breaks away. "There I forgive you. " Brianna chuckles at us. "God there's something wrong with you. " I giggle as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I think just for that I'll be kissing you all day today. " Katya grins. "That's not much of a punishment. " I smile. Katya presses a kiss to my cheek. "It's not supposed to be. " She then stands. "I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be back down. " I nod and wave by. She messes with my hair and leaves.

"You guys are so cute, it's disgusting. " Brianna chuckles. I shrug. Me and Brianna sit and relax for a few more minutes before aqauria comes back in with a plate of food. "Okay Katya heres- did this bitch go back upstairs? " She sighs. I nod. "She said she's taking a shower. "

"My god. Here trix take this up. I don't feel like walking in on her naked, besides y'all are dating anyway. " I go to object to the dating part but just nod. I grab the plate and make my way upstairs. I walk to her room and knock on the door. "Katya it's me. " I hear a faint come in. I open the door and soon find myself closing it. "Katyaaa" I whine. She was standing there naked.

Katya laughs from the other side. She soon opens the door. "Can I look? " I sigh. She gives a yeah and I open my eyes. She has a towel wrapped around her now. "Nasty ass. " I sigh and hand her the plate. "Here's your food. " She takes the plate and walks further into her room. I look around. "Katya how is it that your room got dirty in the span of two days? " I ask looking at the piles of clothes and bottles every where

"It just- wait how do you know that? You've never been in my room. " Katya turns. I point down stairs nervously. "I should be going. " I try to leave but am pulled by katya. She seems to make a habit of this. Katya shuts her door and pushes me up against the wall. "Well? "

"I snooped. The first day I was here. " Katya shakes her head with a laugh and walks over to her plate. "Well that was easier than I thought. " I pull my shirt away from my body for a minute and then walk over to her bed. I sit next to her. Katya rests her head against me and pops a piece of bacon in her mouth.

"This feels wrong. " She chuckles. "What eating bacon in front of a vegan? " She nods. I shake my head with a laugh. She cleans her hands and turns to me. "So now what are you doing? Tryna get a shower with me? " I blush. "What? No i-"

"Chill. I was just playing. " Katya smiles. I stand and Katya looks up at me. "I'm going to head down stairs okay? I'll be down there when your down your shower. " Katya nods and pulls me down. She kisses me quickly and breaks it with a smile.

I shoot her a grin and then walk back down stairs.


Yeehaw motherfuckers

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