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Chapter thirteen;
Her background

Katya and I walked to the nearest store, which just so happened to be a seven eleven. "We could probably get good snacks in here. " Katya smiles. I nod and follow her in. The cool air conditioning of the store makes me sigh contently.

Katya rolls her eyes playfully at my behavior. She then drags me back to where they keep the snacks. "I took some money from aquaria so we can get a good load of snacks. " Katya grins. "That's stealing. "

"I'll pay her back. " Katya frowns. "Will you? " Her devilish smirk returns and she shrugs. I shake my head with a quiet laugh and grab a whole thing of candy bars. "You know I used to come to seven elevens all the time. " Katya smiles

"Good to know JD. You going to plan my death next? " Katya laughs at my Heathers reference. We walk to where they keep their chips and I grab a huge bag for pearl. "I'm serious though, my mom was always getting on my nerves so I took my skate board and road to one. "

" Ooo a skate board. How edgy and exotic. " Katya rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah whatever Barbie. " I put my hand over my heart in a dramatic manner. "How dare you. " My bad acting causes a smile to grace her face. We go back to grabbing food.

" My mother was very strict but she was also very broken. My father left us when I was about six, that's when we left Russia. " I look at her in shock. She just nods. "Yeah I'm Russian. I don't know how you didn't realize what with the accent and stuff. " I shrug.

"Anyways, my mom started leaving the house in the afternoon and then came back the next day in the morning. I never really got to spend time with her so we grew apart. And then I was diagnosed with depression. My mother put on a happy face from then on, but when I wasn't in the room or was away at school she'd breakdown into tears and blame herself. I guess it was somewhat my fault, I try not to think about it. " Katya grabs a candy bar and tosses it at me.

I catch it. " My mother died the following year, from a heart attack. She never told me, but she was struggling with a heart disease and it ended up killing her.  " I feel myself frown. Katya shrugs. "Do you miss her? " I ask.

Katya looks down at the floor, as if she's thinking. "Yeah. I guess i do. It's hard not having any parental figure in your life. " I nod. We place our items on the counter and the worker starts to scan them. " She always kept things from me, and that's what made me agitated. I wanted her to include me in what was happening and I wanted her to tell me about her life. But she didn't. " Katya grabs a water bottle and sets it on the counter.

The cashier scans it and gives us our price. Katya hands them the money and then we leave with our stuff. As we're walking back she speaks once more. "So what about you? What's your life story? " She asks pushing a strand of her hair out of her face.

" Well, when I was younger I lived a okay life. We struggled financially. I didn't have many friends when I was young, but I did have my brother. Me and him used to fight every other week, but none the less we were inseparable. " I smiled as I told her.

"I used to get picked on a lot when I went to school, but he'd jump in and defend me. Actually one time he beat up this one boy and got suspended for a week. Just for me. When he wasn't there the bullying was much worse, but that's when I met Adore. She stepped in whilst my brother was out. I kind of think of her as a sister now. " Katya nods.

"School slowly became better when my brother came back. Between adore and him defending me everyone stopped. Pearl and Brianna became my friends the following year. And Blair did the same. But just because my day life was fine didn't mean my nights were. "

"My dad had a terrible drinking problem, and he'd lash out at my mom every chance he got. He'd try to hit me but my brother would normally stop him. My brother ended up taking many beatings just for me. My father was a horrible man and cheated on my mother many times. " Katya just eyed me, listening to my story.

"My mother had enough of it and filed for a divorce. She then took off with my brother somewhere, most likely New York. I didn't want to live with my father so I moved in with adore. And now here we are. " Katya let out a breath. "That was kinda rough. "

I shrug.

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