Chapter 1: The beginning

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"You cannot beat me Cyborg, I am way ahead of you!"

"Who says Robin? I am going to pass you right now!"

It's a normal day like always, Robin and Cyborg are on the couch, playing the Car racer 36, video game.
Raven is meditating facing the window and looking at them and sighing and told herself "I don't understand what's the point of playing all this".

Beast Boy, however is in the kitchen with Starfire, making himself some Tofu burger and Starfire? She is busy making everyone a dish which she has already made just now and is now putting in dishes to serve everyone.

Beast boy put his 2 tofu burgers, he made, on a small dish and admiring it.
"Mmmhhh! It looks delicious!"

"Oh friend, Beast Boy, what have you made?" Asked Starfire.
"Star, I made 2 Tofu burgers, do you want one?"
"No, I have made a dish for everyone, and I like Meat more than tofu" she said while taking a mustard sauce out of the cup board.
"Oh..Okay then..I hope others would like it" said Beast boy while taking his burgers to the living room.

"Hey Robin, do you want my tofu-" before Beast Boy could finish, Robin said "No".
"Yo Cy! Want some Tof-"
"No! Fake meat will upset my stomach!"
"There Cyborg, you are out, I win!" Said Robin with a sense of pride and happiness and laying on the couch with his leg up another.

"Beast boy! You-" before Cyborg could finish,
Beast boy said "Okay! Okay! I am going".
Beast Boy finally went to Raven who is calmly meditating.


"What is it?"

"Would you like to eat a Tofu burger with me?"

"I respect that you eat fake meat now you should not disrespect that I don't eat fake meat"

"Okay Raven"

Beast boy quietly went to the table and started eating it.

"Ah, friends! I have made something special for you all! I have prepared GnorGoltoaro! It's a very famous delicacy of Tamaran! I have to go to the farest of the universe to fetch the ingredients, Would anyone of you would like some?" Said Starfire joyously.

Now, the dish, it looked absolutely weird, it looked like a arm of a octopus which is very thick, it was dark purple in colour with circular black patches on it, the meat instead of being inside red or brown (you know either it's kept raw as shown in the episode "Betrothed" or its been grilled), it's green in colour and some black bubbles are popping on it.

"Friend, Raven, would you like some?"

Raven, feeling disgusting by the only looks of it and leave alone the smell, gritted the teeth and put on her hood.
She finally said "I am on fast today, so I guess I have to pass." And she lands on the floor as she was floating while she was meditating and talking all this time.

"Friend, Beast Boy, would you want some?"

Beast Boy, feeling disgusted and additionally understanding that it's meat, tells while keeping a weird smile "Well, I am full with my Tofu burgers, so I will pass as well!"

"Friend Cyborg, would you?"

Now Cyborg says "I would love to Star but I just lost to Robin and you know, Winner takes it all! So I guess I have to pass this time since I am going to plan up a strategy to beat Robin next time!"

"Robin? Would you want some?" Asked Starfire in the sweetest loving way.

Robin, looking sick by the thoughts of eating it and feeling extremely angry at Cyborg and as well as the thoughts of making Starfire upset,makes his face turn Red.

Starfire looks at him lovingly and smiles brightly.

Cyborg and Beast boy give him a smug face and Beast Boy keeps his arm around Cyborg and Cyborg slowly whispers in his ear "I guess, he can't reject his girlfriend's dish!" And Raven rolls her eyes.

Robin, not knowing what to do and say, finally says, "Um..Starfire?"

"Yes Robin?"

"I would like to-"
But before he could finish the Titan computer came with a new notification.

"Incoming Video Call...Incoming Video call..."

Everyone runs close to the Titan computer screen. Starfire, puts her dish on the Table.

"A incoming video call? That also from a unknown person, should we receive it?" Asked Cyborg

"I think we should, someone might need our help" said Robin.

To be continued...

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