Chapter 13: The Fight

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(Authoress's note,
I know the last chapter might be skipped by some users, so here's a short summary,
Robin is trapped by Slade and his memories are corrupted and is under full control of Slade. He is now faced with the captive Titans)

Raven said "I don't feel this right, something is wrong with him..."

"Right, you are again. It's always the quiet ones, aren't they?" Said the Voice which everyone knew by now.
As the figure stepped into light, everyone was shocked as their eyes widened.
It was Slade standing beside Robin keeping his hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Robin?!" Asked Starfire in shock.

"Capture them Robin" ordered Slade.

Robin got in a position to fight with his staff.

"What did you do to him?" Asked Batman angrily.

"Nothing, just cleansed his worst trauma's and made him a perfect soldier" said Slade.

"He is not in himself, he is being mind controlled, I can feel it" said Raven as she charged up her Magic.

"Then, we must save him!" Said Starfire as she charged up her starbolts.

Cyborg charged up his ion canon and BB turned into a gorilla. Batman got his batarangs out.
They all decided to attack Slade but as they attacked Robin attacked them back.

"Robin, attack with all you got!" Commanded Slade as he locked the door from outside.

As the Titans moved to attack Slade, Robin came in the way and the door was locked.

"Robin! Snap out of his control!" Said Cyborg.

"Yeah dude, you hated him, why are you listening to him?!" Asked BB.

But Robin hit Cyborg hard with his staff on his shoulder.

"Oooww! Robin!" Screamed Cyborg in pain.

"It's no use! He is not himself" said Raven as she threw her magical bolts at him.

"Can't we do something about it?" Asked BB as he turned into a Snake and wrapped Robin.

"I don't know..." Said Raven as she tried to calm Robin with her magic.
Robin managed to get out of his grasp and throw him off.
Raven, then held him up in mid air by her magic but Robin threw a lightning disc which caused high lights to shine around her.

"Can't see..." Said Raven as she fell down unable to get up.
Robin looking at the opportunity, three a orange bubble like ball on her which expanded in mid air and trapped her inside.
She tried to use her magic but it didn't work.
Batman tried to hit Robin but hit Cyborg instead, he realised that Robin's speed of dodging and attacking has highly increased.

"Raven!" Yelled Beast Boy, as he saw her get caught.
He turned into a bull and hitted Robin on his stomach and Robin got smacked on the wall causing it crack, He fell down later, struggling to get up.
BB later realised he hit him too hard and remembered he was being controlled and went near him asking "You okay dude?..."

Robin smiled as threw the same ball on BB, it was the most easiest catch for him and Beast Boy was not able to get out of it since it prevented him from using his powers as well.
The bubble, just like a magnet got stuck to Raven's bubble.

Batman attacked Robin with his Batarangs and Cyborg with his canon, only to realise that he has increased his speed immensely dodging every single move of theirs.
Starfire didn't attack bit instead tried to calm him down even in that mind controlled state, Robin tried to ignore Starfire as hard as he could. But though behind the mask, it was evidence that he was looking at her with pure hatred.

Robin felt that he shouldn't attack when he saw her.

Slade, who is observing this from his computer screen, presses the button which enables the mind controlling chip on Robin's head, making him forget this emotion for her and attack more furiously.

He then threw 5 smoke bombs for which no one could even see their own hands and they were all coughing and then suddenly someone attacked with one's all might and Cyborg screaming and firing his ion canon blindly everywhere. Eventually, the smoke cleared and then Batman saw Cyborg badly injured trapped in the bubble.
Only he and Starfire were left and Starfire was unwilling to fight Robin.

"So, we two are left, now we need to attack him, with everything we got." Said Batman.

"But he-"

Batman shook his head.

Robin matched forward to attack and
Batman threw batarangs at him, but he missed all his shots.
Starfire was unwilling to battle, anyways, but she had to then she suddenly cried "Robin!"

Robin turned his head to her and threw freeze discs at her, she dodged it but it hits her leg, making her unable to fly.
He continued to fight Batman, who was constantly trying to punch him but Robin constantly dodged them.

"Starfire, fight!" Ordered Batman.

"I am sorry, Robin" she said to herself.

She then charged up her star bolt and threw them at him but Robin dodged them too, to everyone's surprise and then he did a back flip and threw a bubble at her and she got trapped in it and the freezed part of her leg eventually melted and her bubble got stuck next to Cyborg's Bubble.

Now, everyone saw that now it's Master Vs Student.

Batman and Robin were face to face.
Nobody knew who is going to make the first move.
Robin was ready.

Batman made the first move, he continued to punch Robin very fast but only to be dodged in every turn.

Robin then punched but then missed, but landed a successful punch. He tried to kick batman. But Batman caught his leg and threw him towards the wall .
Robin, doing some acrobatics, got balanced and avoided from getting hit by the wall.
He kept on attacking Robin and landed a strong hit making him fall to the ground. He then tried to stomp him and Starfire cried "Robin!"

Robin, though, dodged the move immediately, looked at Starfire, Batman seeing him distracted, saw Robin's cape and then somehow managed to cover his face by it and continuously punched him.
Robin somehow managed to get out of his attacks and then threw a exploding disc at him. Batman dodged them.
Batman, then threw his batarangs at him and Robin threw his birdarangs at him to counter it.

Slade was watching this fight with interest and Joker was a bit jealous Robin since he had Batman's all attention now.

Slade remarked "My apprentice is progressing more faster than I thought".

Joker looked at him and continued to look at the screen.

The fight became more and more intense as they were equally matched.
When they were out of weapons,
Robin attacked with his staff and Batman ready to attack.

Robin divided his staff in to two and then attacked.
Batman successfully dodged all his attacks and then attacked him. He punched him hard and then as Robin fell he took his left arm and broke it.
Robin screamed in pain.
But then, took one of his staff and hit Batman's head and striked him in his face with it.
Batman moved the saliva which got out his mouth when he received the attack and continued to attack Robin, who cannot attack with his left hand.

Now, Robin marched forward and then used acrobatics to jump over Batman and kicked him and then tripped him over and then used the three finger technique which temporarily paralyzed Batman.
He groaned out of pain.

Robin, looked at Batman and smirked and then punched him in his stomach and then threw the bubble at Batman, imprisoning Batman...

To be continued...

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