Day 2

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"Jensen!" Emily shouted at him .

"What's up?" Jensen pleaded at the clock in the hall again, he needed to get going, Please don't let this last long.

"Just checking in since I couldn't last night." Emily pulled at her track uniform. "Seriously I can't believe how long it took to get all the glitter off, like I still am seeing my stuff sparkle." She must be waiting for the team, "I want to burn it all" he looked out the window to the field, "I swear glitter is the herpes of art supplies, " No one's there, and with the tangent Emily's on he's not moving either. "Seriously, Jett better have done something to the bastard over his usual 'not funny bro'." She mocked, Jensen shook his head. "What? Don't tell me you didn't tell him!"

"No no I did, just..."

"He's just not doing shit is he?"

"You know him, thinks it was just a joke."

"Just a Joke? JUST A JOKE! His douchebag teammate, coated his gay brother in rainbow glitter, and he thinks it's a joke!" Jensen nodded glancing back at the clock, why does time move faster when you don't want it too, "I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from the bastard that outed you in the first place."

"Okay, that... was an accident and over a month ago, let him off the hook." He doesn't care anyway.

"The hell I will, you're getting bullied more and more. I don't know if you see it, but you look miserable all the time again. Like, I haven't seen you this bad since eighth grade."

"Emily, like I tell you, mom, and Jett; If something bad happens, I will say something."

"Somehow I doubt that since it took me nearly ripping your arm off for you to admit you started cutting again."

"That's-" Jensen bit his tongue and took a deep breath, Emily had the uncanny ability to get anyone shouting with her, but in this case it was best to stay calm, last time this topic got heated, he said too much, and this time, 'too much' included a near attempt last night. "It's different."

"Not when that was now you tried to kill yourself the last time." Emily ran her finger along the inch of a vertical scar his leather cuff was too short to hide. "Speaking off when was the last time you did." She pulled at the bracelet, disrupting the scabs trying to recover from picking.

"Ow!" Jensen ripped his arm away and looked at her, lips scrunched into a frown and brown eyes narrowed. "I picked off the scab from the last time, I didn't add any." He loosened the lacing just enough for air to get under.

"That's still to recent." Emily continued her lecture as he looked at the clock again, jumping slightly. It took a bit to get to the building, and who knows when that blonde guy will decide he waited long enough.

"Yeah yeah, I'm trying to stop." Jensen interrupted looking back out the window, "Isn't that your team?"

"Shit, it is, but I'm going to start checking your wrist again if this keeps up."

"Yeah yeah, love you too." He waved as she rushed down the hall and starting to walk his own direction until he was out of sight before pickup up his pace.

And after almost tripping over the same stoop as yesterday, he knew he was there. He climbed the 10 stories, which seemed a lot shorter yesterday, before pushing open the door. He dropped his backpack and sat down, leaning against the wall beside the door to finally catch his breath. His lungs felt like they were on fire. He put his head on his knees, not checking to see if he was alone, but the warm hand on his back reassured him he wasn't too late.

"Sorry, I had a couple issues getting here."

"It's fine." That same steady voice from yesterday responded as he sat down close enough for Jensen to feel the heat from his body.

"I was worried you would have jumped before I got here. Glad I made it." He turned to look at the other, only to see him staring towards the sunset.

"Surprised you showed up at all" He removed his hand from Jensen's back and crossed his arms.

"Wouldn't want to miss 'watching the sunset like a jackass."

"Throwing my own words back at me now? Maybe you are more of a smartass than I gave you credit for."

"Well, yesterday wasn't my best day either."

"You mean you don't want to jump from a ten story every day?"

"At least not to the point I actually get on the building" The other laughed, and Jensen couldn't help but chuckle along, "Oh and before I forget, can we add something to that loose verbal deal?"

"What's that?"

"A time limit, until sundown. Dark sky before one of us can jump."

"Trying to leave your own deal, huh?"

"No no, nothing like that, just... you were right. I'm not from here. It's not the longest walk but I still need to go over the bridge to get here, and I want to make sure that you're here when I do." Jensen sighed a bit as he rested his chin back on his knees, and looked to the sky, dark blue already starting to take over the yellow and orange, "I was really worried running here today, so can we add that caveat?" He didn't get an immediate answer, but before he could say anything else. The silence broke.

"You really are planning to come back?"

"Well, yeah, why wouldn't I?" Jensen turned; Without seeing his eyes it was hard to figure out what emotion he was trying to express. He settled on somewhere between disbelief, confusion... and annoyance.

"You have a family. Or something. Other friends. Homework even." They were all incomplete thoughts, hands moving like he was physically trying to collect them. "Why are you sitting on a roof top over a mile away from home with someone you don't even know?"

"Because you'd kill yourself if I didn't." Jensen didn't realize he spoke out loud until the other gave a small 'huh' before looking back at the sunset. Jensen did the same. He couldn't even begin to try and guess what the other was thinking as he stood up.

"Guess, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Wait, um..." the door shut before Jensen could ask for his name again. Rude, He collected himself and opened the door. Whatever sunglasses. Hmm, yeah you're Sunglasses now.

Jensen kept his head on a swivel as he walked back to the bridge connecting both sides of the city. Even though the streets close to the river were well lit, there still was enough sketchy news from the area for him to keep his guard up, and steps quick.

The bridge wasn't that long, about the size of 2 blocks. It spread over a river where plenty of people would swim in during the summer, even if the current was a bit strong like tonight. It always scared him, the sound rivaling thunder, how it foamed like a rabid dog (and was just as violent). It was enough to make him keep his distance, at least most the time...
Now, he was running his hands along the waist-high railing, listening to the water and wondering if it would be strong enough-

No, you have a deal with Sunglasses. He shoved his hands into his jean pockets and tried to pick out constellations the rest of the way home, brushing off the empty feeling creeping back in.

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