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Bakugo's POV

I knocked at Icyhot's door. I had heard a sound of falling and decided to check it out. He didn't answer. I knocked louder. Then louder. Iida, four eyes, walked out, still in his pajamas noticing my banging on Icyhot's door. I shouted out his name before kicking his door open. I heard Iida scream, causing the boys to run out of their dorms into Icyhot's Japanese styled room. He was on the floor, in a pool of his own blood, holding the knife. I ran up to him. He was fading in and out of consciousness. I pulled the knife away and shouted for his name. I looked behind me, the boys looked scared and held a hand over their mouth. Deku ran into the dorm with bangages as I wrapped them around his arms. He was dying of blood loss.

"He wrote those letters..." Deku whispered. He was crying hard. Iida tried to comfort him as the girls walked down the hallway. Some screamed when they saw me wrapping up Icyhot and calling his name. He closed his eyes and let his head droop backwards. He smiled. His chest was slowing down.
"HELP ME OUT!" Iida and Deku were the first to move. Iida noticed that Todoroki wasn't breathing right so he started to preform CPR. Deku and I wrapped his wrists as Momo and Toru went to get the teachers. Mina was calling the police and requested an ambulance as the others stood paralyzed. Mr. Aizawa ran through the hall and looked stunned to see his student in such an awful and critical space. He held up and oxygen mask and wrapped it around Icyhot's face. Icyhot had his arms in bandages and was still struggling to breath. The ambulance could be heard as paramedics rushed in to take Shoto away.

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