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Iida's POV

It's been around three months. Me and my fellow classmates would make journeys to the hospital for visits. I still haven't left Shoto's side. It was funny how he made my heart flutter and make me catch butterflies in my stomach. While visiting Shoto, I would make sure he went through therapy everyday and would keep all sharp objects away from him. Despite the fact that this was constantly done.

"Iida, you're zoning out again. Are you okay?"
"Yeah... just stressed."

"You'll do fine on the exams."

"No! Not the exams!"

"Then what?"
'I'm worried you might hurt yourself again! I'm stressed about whenever I leave and how you can hurt yourself when I'm gone! I'm stressed about what goes on in your head and what goes on in your home life!" Shoto laughed.

"You're concerned about me?"


"No one's ever been concerned for me..."


"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Todoroki broke down, a sight Iida never thought he would see."

"No, I shouldn't have snapped like that. I'm just worried about you."

"Thank you..." Iida wrapped Shoto into a hug.

"It's okay. Now please tell me you'll be okay..."

"Mhm... I promise."

"Thank you."

"Iida? This is not a good time, but you make my heart flutter."

"Me too, you make me feel the same Sho"

"I don't know what it means."

"Neither do I, I can ask tomorrow."



"love. It means we're in love..."

"Really?!" Shoto's eyes widened.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course!" The sat down together, due to Iida, Shoto made a speedy recovery and was let out sooner then expected. He wasn't as depressed and would hang out. The class was surprised at the two dating, but excepted their choice. When graduation came, Iida and Todoroki moved into an apartment together. There was a letter on Iida's bed, he felt the familiar guilt and panic as he opened it.

Dear my Iida,

Morning love! I just went to the store to buy some more soba, I made breakfast and it's downstairs. Remember I love you! You mean so much, I'll be back by noon! -Shoto

When noon came, Todoroki walked in with the soba noodles.

"Hey love."

"Hey Todo-chan." He giggled. The two cuddled as Shoto fell asleep.

Letters, something that made me have panic attacks. Now something that reminds me of how loved someone is. How I can change their world.



I gave up on this story.

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