Giving Thanks- Callum and Nova

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Edit credit to dorothybenoitkesley (insta) and rubys-finger-cymbals (tumblr. Happens after Supernova but I changed Supernova so one character in particular didn't die :)

Word Count- 1683

Callum turned the lock, patting the granda victorian doors fondly. The wooden sign above them read "Treadwell's Treasures." The name had been an offhand thought of Nova's. Though Maggie has scoffed, Callum thought it was charming. And so, the three of them had pooled their money, and bought Callum his dream museum. The museum hosted a wide variety of historical objects and presentations. The council even let Callum showcase many of the unused prodigy objects in the artifacts room, under the condition that they could access them at any time they needed.

Treadwell's Treasures was his favorite place to be in the world, hence why it had been open even today, a national holiday. Giving Thanks Day was to honor the gifts they had. It was a holiday that Callum himself had suggested to the Council, and they'd readily agreed.

There was a beep, and Callum looked down at his Renegade watch. He picked it up, and was met with a distressed Nova yelling at someone "no the other pot, there's already something in that one!"

"Nova, are you okay?" Callum could sense the anxiety and Nova's overwhelmed state of being through the phone.

"Hi Callum, it just wanted to remind you that dinner's at- Andromeda please don't touch that it's hot!"

"Dinner?" From the sound of it, that was the last thing Callum expected Nova to tell him about.

"Yes it's at 5... OSCAR PLEASE-"

"Do you need a hand?"

"Oh no you don't have to do that," There was a bang and a squeal that sounded suspiciously like Oscar in the background. It sounded like Callum did to do that.
"I'll be there in 10!" Callum reponsonded brightly, before hanging up and jogged to his bike.

Callum never went anywhere by car, he believed that saving the environment was in the small things. He also always wore a helmet, which he buckled now.

Passing through the streets, Callum admired the improvement the Council had made to the dilapidated suburbs. The project was a huge undertaking, and when he had time Callum liked to help the effort. Though the main priority was making them safe to live in, Callum liked it when the helpers repainted a house a bright color. The reds, yellows, greens, and blues really brightened the atmosphere of the whole place.

Callum turned a corner, smiling at people as he passed. Soon he neared a pretty, light blue house. Parking his bike, he knocked on the door.

Nova opened it, and promptly ushered him in.

"Happy Giving Thanks Day!" She began to hug him, but a "Nova! The pasta is on fire!" quickly recalled her back to the kitchen.

Callum wasn't alone for long, only moments passed before a little girl came to hug his legs.

"Uncle Callum!" She squealed. He laughed, swinging her up over his head. She shrieked gleefully and he kissed her cheek. Callum loved when Nova's kids called him Uncle, even if they were by no way related.

"Andromeda! How've you been? How's Bear?"

Andromeda showcased her stuffed cat proudly. "He got a cut above his eye, but I gave him stitches myself.
Callum peered at the stitching. "Wow! You're going to have to give me lessons! I ripped my pants yesterday gardening, can you fix those too?"

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