SSCM Chapter 11.2: Imperial Younger Brother (2)

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Recap of 11.1 -- PZY finds out that his teacher is going to be teaching the 12th prince as well and makes a fuss but the Emperor doesn't change his mind....

After this mess, He Lang also rushed to the study, hearing of the approximate happenings on his way.

One step into the study and he saw the unworried face of Zhen Pu Yang, and another unfamiliar face. There was no need to guess, He Lang was sure of his identity.

Zhen Pu Ren was only slightly more than 10 years old, and his frame was frail and he looked very soft and young, his fair and clear face had no expression, scholarly and quiet, he did not look to have a talkative personality.

He Lang lowered his eyes to look at the child and could only see his skinny and frail shoulders.

Prior to this moment he had heard a little about the 12th Prince and knew that his birth mother had died due to a difficult birth, and he was quickly forgotten in the joy of his other brothers' births, without anybody to care for him.

Therefore, he was not often mocked by others, but his soft and immature heart was especially sensitive, his delicate mind was also not fond of the limelight, withdrawing whenever he encountered any problems.

As such, Zhen Pu Ren gradually developed a wall to guard against people, becoming accustomed to being alone all day, developing a quiet and restrained personality.

Thankfully the Emperor took pity on his mother, and could be said to be caring towards him, but it couldn't be said that he was favored.

Thinking till this point, He Lang's heart held some sympathy for this child with a difficult life, and with a gentle gaze he bent forward, and looked straight at him, kindly asking: "What books have you read?"

Zhen Pu Ren was startled, and then was conscious of the fact that He Lang's first sentence after entering was said to him?

Raising his head, he saw He Lang's clear and refined countenance, and his attentive gaze, and wanted to look at him more, but looked down shyly.

He had received many contemptuous and pitying gazes, but they all made him feel as if he was sitting on needles, especially pressurizing. Being able to look right into this calm look let him feel very comfortable.

He was a little happy that this man was indeed as good as what he imagined.

Zhen Pu Ren(1) pursed his lips, forcefully repressing the happiness that naturally arose, not letting himself express any joy outwardly.

At the same time, the hand that was just nervously holding the sleeves relaxed, naturally answering, "Father Emperor let this Son follow Scholar Li in studying for two years, but this student was dull and can only recognize a few characters."

Referring to himself as a student once he opened his mouth and instantly entering that role, this let Zhen Pu Yang who was next to him give him a second look, marveling at this person's shamelessness.

He Lang nodded. Yes, Scholar Li had recently fallen ill and returned to his hometown to recover, so this child was entrusted to him by the Emperor.

However, this child spoke humbly and didn't boast using his identity as a prince. He was unexpectedly somebody that garnered people's affection.

He had his heart set on the 9th Prince, and the other princes were competitors. He originally wanted to deal with them as they came, but if this child was willing to study earnestly, he did not mind spending some energy on fulfilling the Emperor's errand.

Even if this were so, after knowing that he really intended to accept that child, a cold hum immediately came from Zhen Pu Yang behind him. He Lang was a little troubled.

It was as if His Highness didn't like this younger brother?

-- footnotes --

(1) The raws said Zhen Pu Yang but I think that the author meant Zhen Pu Ren instead...


The Author has something to say: I think that the protagonist started the world, weakness is expected, I also don't like to suddenly have a golden finger to make things easy for him, although by the end he should be able to become more skilled, and then grasp his own advantages. This is a process, and it wouldn't be a sudden change... if you don't like it, excuse me.



A competitor has arrived ~~~ Zhen Pu Yang what will you doooo~~~~

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