SSCM Chapter 17.1: First Growth (1)

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Recap: HL met with his old friend Jiang Qiu Bai, and they came up with a plan to deal with one of Crown Prince's supporters. PZY is a vinegar machine again...


This was translated by zestylem0n on Wattpad. It is theft if this translation is found anywhere else. Please read directly on there for the full translation. Support the translator's hard work!


On another note, Jiang Qiu Bai took note of He Lang's plan, and started to put it into action.

The next day, he specially brought a generous gift to the Yue Residence, relying on his glib tongue to fool his way in, pretending that he wanted to collaborate in embezzling public funds.

Jiang Qiu Bai had a sincere attitude, and his eyes were full of awe for his seniors, cupping his hands respectfully (1): "Brother Yue (2), when the time comes, these 20 thousand silvers will be left to you to handle, when this younger brother returns, we will split it in half."

Yue Gao Yang had always seen him as a youngster who didn't have any background, and had never seen him as someone with any kind of ability, therefore let his guard down against him. Looking at Jiang Qiu Bai's appearance of wanting to depend on him, his heart was moved and went through twists and turns, hesitating once again, then calculating on an abacus.

If he agreed, he could still plot against Jiang Qiu Bai then and only give him two-tenths. If he didn't agree, then he would not even give him the two-tenths, and it wasn't like he could bring officials over to investigate? Relying on the fact that he would not dare to reveal even a hint of this situation – after all, they were in the same boat, if one was destroyed all would be destroyed.

The two clinked their wine glasses (3), smiling at each other, having a kind of tacit understanding to make their agreement.

Jiang Qiu Bai raised his wine glass, slowly drinking it in one mouth, hiding the flashing light in his eyes.

In all honesty, he never expected that he would succeed in persuading him so easily. Before going, he even thought that his scheme had been seen through, being completely guarded against, it seemed that he still underestimated Yue Gao Yang's sense of infallibility and arrogance.

When the relief funds were released, Jiang Qiu Bai falsified that the disaster funds had been depleted, the subordinate officials were also forced to write the documents. Only then was Yue Gao Yang able to feel assured that the large amount of silver would enter his personal Residence.

When He Lang and Zhen Pu Yang went to the Imperial Court together, he had once asked Zhen Pu Yang on his ideas regarding the disaster relief funds. Seeing that the time was ripe, he also told him of the scheme he made with Jiang Pu Yang that day.

It was just that Zhen Pu Yang had little reaction to such a major incident, even after knowing about it he completely washed his hands off it, just having a prejudice against Jiang Qiu Bai.

He Lang asked guessingly: "Is it that you don't trust Minister Jiang?"

Zhen Pu Yang shook his head, elegantly entering the Main Hall, "I don't trust anybody, I only trust Teacher." This was why he had completely put this issue aside, leaving all matters to him. Whatever that he did, it was all correct.

Everybody's gaze was focused on the young Prince, He Lang glanced sideways.

Zhen Pu Yang imperceptibly pulled up the corners of his lips, stepping forward, eyes showing absolute devotion. It was rare that he would reveal such a serious expression, pretending to be troubled, "Reporting to Father Emperor, although the various officials have reported that the disaster relief efforts have been completed, but this is the first time that This Son has taken over official matters, and was uneasy at the start, and therefore took time to visit Jinnan, and found that many commoners did not receive aid."

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