SSCM Chapter 15.1: Punishment (1)

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Recap: PZY won PZR, the two of them had lesson with HL and fought, HL punished PZY to reflect outside. 

This was translated by zestylem0n on Wattpad. Please support the translator directly. Finding this translation anywhere else is theft. For the full chapter, read it on Wattpad at zestylem0n or through the novel updates link.  


It was late, and even though it was a summer night, the temperature still plunged.

There was still half of the duration He Lang specified; Zhen Pu Yang was still wearing a casual satin day robe meant for cooling down. Still staying close to the wall, the cold gradually creeped onto his skin.

The night was chilly, and the surroundings were still, there was not even a single person who cleaner up or served tea; all the more appearing desolate.

Zhen Pu Yang stared at that empty wall, reflecting like what that person said to do, but he pondered for so long, and still couldn't figure out what he did wrong.

If it were another person who dared to speak to him so disrespectfully, even provoking him, he would have stripped him of his skin before anything, not like the present situation, merely giving a slight scolding caused him to still receive punishment.

He hated that holier-than-thou Imperial Younger Brother of his, normally so docile in front of Teacher, but turning around to face him with another face, seeing this he only wanted to fiercely tear down that face of his.

What skills did he have to do so? Isn't it just being good at putting on a disguise? Zhen Pu Yang was full of unwillingness, and at the same time he had a revelation, realizing the danger of this kind of person.

But also thanks to Zhen Pu Ren's many years of patience, letting everyone think that he was gentle and kindhearted, the secret plot this time, in the eyes of bystanders would naturally think it was not true. And he who had been the definition of unreasonableness, there was no need for explanation – in the eyes of the common people, the wrong would immediately be attributed to him.

Maybe it was the influence of fatigue, Zhen Pu Yang yawned once, eyes moistening, then this accidental tear caused his grievance and stubbornness to uncontrollably spill out, this overbearing feeling pressed on his heart.

He never knew that he was so weak, tears naturally falling, any hint of distrust from Teacher was like many small needles piercing his heart painfully.

The body that had stood for a long time was exhausted, straightforwardly sitting on the floor, just sitting for a while, his exhaustion deepened. Zhen Pu Yang couldn't help but close his eyes, body sagging down, even snoring in the meantime. At the end, what flashed in his mind was that person's last gaze towards him.....

But he didn't know, from the start till end, there was always a person's shadow in the courtyard, not making a single noise, just standing silently standing, looking at the youth facing the wall.

It wasn't until he saw the youth in front of him fall asleep, a surge of emotion appeared on He Lang's face, how could a Prince fall on the icy floor of the courtyard?

He hurriedly got a soft and fluffy blanket, spreading it out with his two hands, placing it on the youth who was leaning against the wall, shaking him to wake up and return to the room to sleep, but he felt his cheeks were icy.

He Lang was shocked, brows tightening even more, anxiously using the blanket to hug the boy up in his arms.

If this child was really chilled by the wind, not saying whether the Emperor would be angered, even he himself would not be able to forgive himself.

His actions were extremely gentle, fearing that he would awaken the youth, only quietly bringing him back to the room in his arms to rest well, but that youth was not slow, from the moment that He Lang touched him he had already stiffened, only upon feeling that familiar warm breath did he relax.

When his body was hugged by that person, Zhen Pu Yang sucked in a breath, immediately pressing his cheeks onto his chest.

He Lang thought that it was because he just sneezed and was more certain that he had caught a cold. It was all because of him, should have stopped at an appropriate juncture, coming earlier, the wind this night was cold, when he returned, he had to make His Highness drink ginger tea.

Zhen Pu Yang's chilly body was covered with a warmth, and his four limbs that had become numb had instantly warmed up, body lost in the comfortable embrace.

In front of his eyes was Teacher's chest, if he raised his head he would see that exquisite neck, and his nose was filled with his breath, this kind of unprecedented intimacy made his heart beat violently.

However extreme his anger and resentment were just now, but now there was an impulse to cry.

Didn't this person misunderstand him, taking the initiative to punish him, why did he appear here? Had the four hours been completed?

It was just a pity that Zhen Pu Yang was already entered a state of sleepiness, his brain was fuzzy, eyes hazy, incoherently wanting to give an explanation.

"Shh." He Lang knew that he was tired, and pressed on his mouth, curling his mouth upwards with a sense of appeasement, revealing a clear and light smile, comforting towards his incoherent utterings, softly answering: "This Minister understands, This Minister knows that your personality is domineering, but wouldn't abuse others without reason."

As he spoke, his gaze revealed a warm light.

Although His Highness was called the devil incarnate by others, evidence of how mischievous and unruly he was, but he felt in his heart that this child was actually pure and straightforward, and didn't calculate cunning plots against people, was it was clear who he liked and disliked.

Although his disposition was good, but this would become a shortcoming in his road to becoming the Emperor, a weakness that was easily grasped by those with schemes, pressuring his emotions, and spoiling the overall situation.

But this was not a problem at the moment, because all the obstacles, he would put in all his efforts to help His Highness deal with them. It was just that in the future, he would leave this world, and hoped that His Highness would do things flawlessly.

He stroked Zhen Pu Yang's hair, revealing slight expression of loss.

If it were possible, he hoped that His Highness could always have such a childish heart, but it was time His Highness grew up.

This was translated by zestylem0n on Wattpad. Please support the translator directly. Finding this translation anywhere else is theft. For the full chapter, read it on Wattpad at zestylem0n or through the novel updates link. 


—- rant —-

I've found out that an aggregator site (i saw one but there may be more, who knows...?) has taken my translation. I will now be uploading a first incomplete draft, then updating it after it's been grabbed. i don't know if this will work but i'll try it out. because of this i will be adding idk what it's called but a watermark?? something to give credit to me... i'm not that upset because i don't earn money from this but at the same time it's pretty infuriating because i do this for fun but someone else is profiting from it???? i spend at least 4 hours on one chapter, and the earlier ones took close to 8 because i was so bad at it at first.... that's profiting from my free labour man :-(( which doesn't really feel great. and they even remove my translators notes which is.... no words man.... anyway, the schedule may be interrupted while i try to figure this out because i'm not sure if they're taking it from the novel updates link or directly from here; though the former seems more likely. i don't really understand why people use aggregator sites anyway since novel updates works just as well........ please don't read on those sides because they literally profit off other people's  labour for free and it's not like you need to pay to read here either

TLDR: aggregator sites are grabbing my translations, updates may not happen as scheduled as i figure out a way to deal with them..


(1) In Chinese medicine, ginger is heaty so it will dispel the cold and warm the body, many Chinese people drink it in winter. 

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