Twenty-Fourth Lie

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"Does that explain anything?"

Midoriya was devastated by what he had just witnessed in front of his eyes. His heart broke at the sign of Tsuyu still sitting down on the blooded chair. She and everything then dissolved into thin air. The only ones around were just Midoriya and Dr. Yunokaru.

"Why...did this to me?"

Dr. Yunokaru tilted his head.

"Do you think 'Tsu-chan' would do that?"

Midoriya looked down.

'Tsu-chan why?'

He then remembered some things she had said.

"Hello! My name is Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu."

"I told you to call me Tsu."

He then remembered what Tsuyu said from Bakugo's kidnapping.

"We're all still in shock over Bakugo's kidnapping... so we have to think about this calmly. It doesn't matter how righteous our feelings are. If we start another fight... if we break the law... then we're no better than the villains!"

He clenched his fist.


"Don't you realize it? Tsu-chan and Tsuyu Asui are completely different peo-"



'That voice...'

Midoriya turned to the right and saw Tsuyu walking towards them both. She was holding onto her arm as if it was going to break. Tsuyu looked up at them both.



She looked down.

"I want to talk to Midoriya..."


Yunokaru disappeared instantly leaving Tsuyu and Midoriya alone. She stopped walking as she glanced up at Midoriya. He was about to run over to her but stopped.

"Don't come any closer than this."


Tsuyu sighed.

"I have my reasons."

Midoriya looked at her arm and pointed at it.

"What happened?"

She looked to the side.

"It's nothing."

"I'm pretty sure that's not nothing."

Midoriya then looked at her shoulders. They were bruised purple and part bleeding.

"Tell me what they did to you."


"Just tell me."

Tsuyu looked at Midoriya in the eyes.

"They made me an experiment."

Midoriya fought the urge to run to Tsuyu.

"The needles that they injected me with had a special kind of liquid. They injected me 29 times, which is one less than the amount that is fatal."

Tsuyu scratched her neck.

"How much do you know about Nomus?"

Midoriya flinched.

"Not much..."

Tsuyu scratched her shoulders.

"Dr. Ujiko told me that Nomus are basically monsters created from human corpses whose bodies were altered in order to hold multiple Quirks. He's the one creating everything."

"Dr. Ujiko wanted to create a new experiment which involves real people. He wanted to create Nomus 'alive' instead so he created a special liquid for someone to 'turn into a Nomu' Basically meaning, you still are the same person and still have your sane mind. But you are also a nomu."

"So that means..."

"Yes, Midoriya."

She blinked her eyes slowly and her right eye turned red as she opened them.

"I am a part-Nomu."

"Say, Iida-kun, Where is Deku-kun?" Ochako asked him.

"I'm not sure actually. I didn't really see him around in the area."

They then found themselves near Strongest One Alive where Bakugo, Kirishima and Mina were. They walked up to them.

"Do you guys know where Deku-kun is?"

Mina looked at her.

"Midoriya-kun? I think I saw him here a while ago, he left instantly."

"I think he went that way?" Kirishima pointed.

"Why are you worried for an idiot like him anyway?!' Bakugo questioned.

Just then, Ochako felt a slight tug on her jacket. As she turned around, she saw Satsuki and Samidare holding a book.

"Satsuki?! I thought you were-"

"Are you Ochako-san?" Samidare asked.

Everyone then looked at the two.

"Yes, I am."

Satsuki then held onto her book to her chest.

"You need to leave here..."

Ochako was confused.

"What do you mean leave-"

"It's going to be dangerous!" she exclaimed.

"You need to save everyone!"

"We need to save everyone...?"

Just then, the surrounding area became quite warm. Taking it as a sign, they looked around to spot anything suspicious. Ochako noticed something then; she stepped back.


They all turned to Ochako.

"We-should do something."

They all saw what Ochako was looking at. Shocked by what they saw, all of the sirens went off in the area.

"What was that sound?"

Midoriya turned around. He heard the sounds of sirens echoing in his surroundings. Tsuyu sighed.

"It has started already..."

"What has?"

Tsuyu looked down.

"I cannot tell you that."

Shen faced Midoriya.

"I'll be taking my leave now."

"Wait! I have- a question to ask!"

She blinked once, which meant he could ask a question to her. Midoirya scratched his head aggressively.

What do I ask What do I ask What do I ask What do I ask What do I ask What do I ask What do I ask

"Why can't I use my quirk here?"

'What? I didn't want to ask that?'

But Midoriya was curious about it. Tsuyu closed her eyes and opened them again. Both of them turned red.


"Is also what I'm curious about."

She then disappeared, leaving Midoriya all alone; in a state of confusion.

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