Thirty-First Lie: The Gift from an Unknown Sender

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--I have a brother and sister...?

"Do you remember them?" Mr. Aizawa asked her.

They were both sitting opposite from each other in the common room. Mr. Aizawa recently discovered she had been about with all of suspicious with Midoriya, but for some reason, Midoriya seemed not to come out of his room. The only choice was to ask Tsuyu, who unfortunately forgot everything. But every so often, she would say some random things when she partially recognized something.

--I don't think so...

Mr. Aizawa looked to the side.

"I don't think you remember, but you told everyone your sister was injured."


Tsuyu looked down.

--maybe she was sick...


--I don't remember...

She scratched the back of her neck.

--where are they...?

Mr. Aizawa regretfully looked down.

"We... don't know."

--I see...

"And also..."

Mr. Aizawa took a package from behind the couch and handed it to Tsuyu. She looked at it confusingly as she took it.

"This package was sent just yesterday. It was addressed to you with an unknown sender."

--unknown sender...

Tsuyu then opened the package slowly with her own hands. Inside, she saw numerous bunched up green tissue papers surrounding an interesting book. She took it out of the box and set the box aside. Mr. Aizawa looked at the book she was holding.

"A book?"

Tsuyu read the title.

--Girl in the Green...

Tsuyu scanned the entire book for more words.

--there is no author...

"No Author? That's odd."

Mr. Aizawa sighed.

"Since it was sent to you, I'll allow you to keep it okay?"

Tsuyu just nodded at that. Mr. Aizawa then picked up the box on the floor and left the common room. As Mr. Aizawa wasn't in her line of sight, she started to read the book in her hand. The first page had a small line of text on it saying...

For the one I love the most

Tsuyu flipped to the next page.

--I wonder who that is...

The next page consisted of a unique drawing. It was raining. And there was a person standing in the rain. Tsuyu couldn't quite figure out who it was so she skipped onto the next page. As she scanned the page of text, she looked over at the side.

--I wonder who wrote this...


As she flipped to the last page, she realized that it wasn't there. Someone had torn it out.

--What is this...?

She followed the torn part with her finger all the way to the bottom of the book.

--what a cliffhanger...

Contemplating about some things, she closed the book and held onto it. After a while, she decided to leave the common room until some people decided to see her. Unexpectedly, it was Bakugo, Midoriya, Kaminari, and Sero. Tsuyu looked at them as they entered the room.


They glanced at each other until looking back at Tsuyu. Wavering about, they decided to sit on the couch opposite from Tsuyu. It felt like another interrogation, but less domineering.


Sero looked to the side.

"Are you okay?"

She blinked her eyes.

--I think so...?

They then looked at the book she was holding. Kaminari pointed at it.

"What's that?"

She looked down at the book.

--someone sent it to me...

"What is it called?" Bakugo asked with no hesitation.

--Girl in the Green...

Midoriya flinched.

'That book...'

He focused on it.

'Wasn't that the book Tsuyu read to her siblings before?'

He then remembered something that Samidare said before.

"It's not over yet."

Midoriya clenched his fist. Tsuyu tapped her fingers on the book.

--would you like me to read it to you all?

Without a second to lose, all of them exclaimed 'Yes!' without hesitation.


She turned to the second page and began to read. 

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