Chapter 39

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Chapter 39- Being 'Brainwashed'

Chapter 39- Being 'Brainwashed'

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"You look too normal. Try pressing your lips together and make a harsh glare." You spent at least 10 minutes of Gand Orca teaching you to look like a villain, but you couldn't for the life of you.
"No. You have to look like you mad or annoyed. Try scowling." You nodded and scowled, but you had your teeth retracted.

"It's impossible for you to look anything but happy or blank, isn't it?" Gang Orca sighed. You groaned and ran your fingers through your hair.
"I'm sorry Gang Orca is better at this, but I can't be a villain, that was literally the whole reason the League of Villains kidnapped me," you said bluntly.

"That may be true, but just be a villain so your classmates can pass. If you don't want that then you can be already brainwashed and they have to save you," He retorted pointing a finger at you. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"Good, now imagine being wronged your whole life," he said circling you as you try to be bad.

"Imagine that people looked down on you because they think you're too good for them, or that you're weak, or that you're a monster," you clenched your teeth as you felt something in you.
"Imagine that the only way to show people that they're wrong, is to show them what you can do. They won't see you as an equal, they'll see you as nothing but a freak, a loser, a weakling, a monster." He said as you felt anger bubble in you.

"They will only see you as a equal, or a threat is that you show them that you can kill them in a heartbeat. Crushing them, making them beg for mercy, finally showing them just what a monster you really are," you finally opened your eyes, as they were slits and you had a snarl on your face. Gang Orca grinned.

"Great, this will only be like this for the rescue exam, so don't hold back," you nodded getting and and putting your goggles on.
"I won't," you said as Gang Orca gave you a collar.
"You'll be someone that is brainwashed, if they take this off, you'll be free from the 'brainwash', understand?" he explained.
"Yes sir," you looked up and smirked at him, which he smirked back.

"Now let's crush some heroes,"


You followed Gang Orca, in your dragon form, pretending to be a mindless zombie, as you both walked toward the city rubble.
"Go ahead of us, and when you find them call out," you nodded and ran, making your way up and stare at your classmates and other students helping the civilians.
"(Y/N)?" You turn your head to see Uraraka smiling at you.

"You're finally here! What did the announcer wanted?" She tried to walk up to you, until Izuku stopped her.
"Wait hold one Uraraka, something's not right, look at her eyes," he pointed out. That was your cue to let out a high pitch roar, making them cover their ears.
"(Y/N), what are you doing?!" Yaoyorozu asked, but you said nothing as you stared into nothingness.

You saw Gang Orca running and blasting the rubble, getting the heroes attention.
"Hello heroes," he said walking up to you and petting your head.
"What is this? What did you do to (Y/N)?!" Iida demanded.
'This must be part of the exam, that's why she was excused' he thought.

"Why, I only showed her what her true path is," Gang Orca simply said.
"She can't hear you, she only listens to me," he smirked as them.
"And now, rescuing and fighting. Can you do both at the same time?" He asked, motioning the backup to attack.

"Fight or protect, help or run?"

Shindo ran up and used his quirk to break the ground, but Gang Orca ran so fast and made a sonic boom to make his pass out. Orca then used his sonic boom to block the ice Todoroki launched.
"Power like this won't effect me!" He said as Inasa used his quirk to try and blown them away.

Gang Orca made a click noise, and you immediately moved so fast and fired a plasma blast at them. They dodged it as you landed next to the 'villain'. He made another click and you charged up your energy try and did a Lighting Dragon Rage at them.
'They can't get close with (Y/N) in the way, she's controlled by something, probably that collar' Izuku thought

"I got this!" Inasa used his quirk, but Todoroki's flames got in the way and it collided together. You were confused as to why they did that.
"Why did you use your flames?! The heat made my wind scatter up!" Inasa yelled out at the half n half human.
"You're just like your father!" He yelled attacking Todoroki.

They began to argue about something, stopping their attacks. Gang Orca sweat dropped and he heard them argue and you mentally sighing.
'Are they really fighting each other?' You thought as you realized that the flames were coming at you. Before Gang Orca could click, Izuku managed to tackle you so you won't get hit.

"What are you two doing?!" He yelled angrily, mostly because they almost hurt you. Gang Orca clicked and you ran spread your wings to escape him. Todoroki and Inasa looked at you as you landed near, with a emotionless face as they realized that they went too far.

Gang Orca took advantage of that and sent a sonic wave at Inasa, making the boy fall to the ground. A click and you grabbed Todoroki from his leg and smashed him on the ground.
'Sorry Shoto' you thought, but shook it away, remembering you have to be a villain.

"Get off..." He mumbled as you said nothing but stared at him with a blank face.
"She can't listen remember? Only listen to me." Gang Orca released another sonic wave but this time toward Todoroki. Click, and you quickly got off of him and moved to Gang Orca's side to let the sonic wave hit Todoroki and paralyze him.

Once Todoroki fell to the floor a gust of wind which was later joined by flames surrounded both you and Gang Orca. You shielded the 'villain' with your wing as he took out a water bottle and poured its contents out on himself.

Click, and you flew upwards to attack, but a tongue grabbed your waist. You were thrown down as Dark Shadow pinned you down. You struggled and prepared a plasma blast, but Iida ran up and got on your back, pulling the collar.
"Apologies (Y/N), but Midoriya told us about your collar, and we're here to save you from this brainwashing!" He said.

You flinched around and growled as Iida finally broke the collar and you heard a click. You stopped and your eyes went back to normal. You sighed deeply and laid down.
"Dammit... I let you down Gang Orca... I'm sorry," you mumbled turning back into human.

You then heard a loud whoosh of gust and turn your head to see Gang Orca making the flames and wind disappear. Izuku then jumped towards the 'villain'. He landed a kick on Gang Orca's forearm. Before anything else happened, the announcement came on.
"The rescue exam is officially over, please come evacuate and you'll see on the big screen your score,"

You sat up and looked down.
"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Tokoyami asked.
"Gang Orca told me that if no one got my collar, I would pass, but now..." They looked shock and saddened that you probably won't pass.
"(Y/N), I'm terribly sorry I didn't know-" Iida tried to apologize, but you just stood up and waved him off.

"It's fine guys, as long as you all pass," you then smiled at them.
"And thank you for saving me from being 'brainwashed', such great heroes," you smiled and gave them thumbs up, making them blush.

"Now let's see the scores,"

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