Chapter 59

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Chapter 59- Interrupt This Program With Gentle News!

It was break time and you and Jiro were just finishing on vocals

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It was break time and you and Jiro were just finishing on vocals.
"I think you started to sound like a goddess (Y/N)," Jiro smirked.
"T-thanks, your singing is beautiful too," you blushed and looked away.
"Here you two, have some rare tea my mom sent me. It's called Gold Tips Imperial!" Yaoyorozu piped onto the conversation and gave you the tea.

"I don't drink tea, but I'll try it," you have her a smile, making her blush. Jiro internally rolled her eyes.
'Yaomomo your gayness is showing too' she thought walking away. You grabbed a second one and walked over to Izuku where he was sitting on the couch.
"Hey Zuku-kun want some tea?" You asked sipping yours.

"Allmight had an item and I didn't know about it. Allmight had an item and I didn't know about it. Allmight had an item and I didn't know about it." He kept mumbling scrolling through his phone.
"Uhhhh okay then," you sweat dropped sitting down next to him.
"Shoot didn't mean to press that one," he mumbled, but then was confused.

"What is it?" You leaned in to see a white haired man in a suit with spilled tea in his hand.
"That's all for now, my next video is something not only to my fans, but to all society. Stay tune until then," And with that the video ended.
"Who was he?" You asked.
"That's Gentle. No one really likes him and I only know little about him. He's a villain who records his crimes," Izuku explained.

"Really?" He nodded and stared at his phone.
"It's a surprise that he's been posting for years and still haven't been caught," He said picking up his tea.
"I wonder what he'll do next," You furrowed your eyebrows at the photo of Gentle.

'I doubt it wouldn't involve us,'


Finally it was the last day before the School Festival starts, and everyone was excited.
"Whoooo! I can't sleep!" Kaminari yelled.
"Yeah it's gonna be so cool!" Mineta continued.
"Can't wait to see what it's like!" You grinned. The three of you ran in circles in excitement as Iida nodded.
"Let's hope the audience is that enthusiastic," he said.

"Let's not worry about that. Being scared of what others will think, it'll kill our vibe. We should just have fun," Jiro said.
"Yeah because two certain people were afraid of even talking are singing upstage!" Kaminari grinned.
"Oh shut it Denki," you hit his head with your tail.

"Bing excited can bring others like that too mon ami," Aoyama said.
"Oh no the rope, it's tattered," Midoriya pointed out.
"It shows the rough times in our friendship!" Aoyama posed.
"Yaomomo is sleeping right now, we shouldn't use her to make some. Zuku-kun and I could buy some more, I need to get some apples for Eri anyways," You said stretching your limbs.

"Wait the store opens at 9 and the festival starts at 10," Kaminari pointed out.
"There's a hardware store nearby that opened earlier than that," Midoriya confirms.
"And there's a secret apple tree that I eat from after training," you grinned.

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