Chapter 69

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Chapter 69- He's Dead Now

"Pouncer, Dart, Ruffrunner, I need you to look after Eri for me, it'll only be for 30 minutes," You told your siblings as you set Eri down on the crystal platforms

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"Pouncer, Dart, Ruffrunner, I need you to look after Eri for me, it'll only be for 30 minutes," You told your siblings as you set Eri down on the crystal platforms.
"Got it (Y/N)! You can count on us!" Pouncer saluted to you as Dart tackled him.
"We'll play together!" She smiled at Eri, who shyly smiled back.

"Thank you, you three! And don't disturb mom and dad, they're having a break in bed," You told them as you flew off. Dart and Pouncer continued play fighting with each other, as Ruffrunner shyly scooted next to Eri, looking away.

"Soooo, you like flying?"


"Fumikage? You in here?" You called out in the Shadow Caverns. You shot a fire blast on a crystal stick and illuminated the tunnel, seeing a Skrill hanging upside down, with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow hanging there too.
"Greeting Madam (Y/N), you're friend is quite a gift to the darkness," The Skrill said with his eyes closed.

"Hey you two, I was just checking up on Fumikage," You smiled looking around.
"You really done it with the place Skrilly, so damp and dark," You told him.
"Yes, truly a place for peaceful darkness," Tokoyami mumbled as Dark Shadow floated to you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wanna hang with us?" He joked picking you up by the waist and lifting you to the ceiling.
"Dark Shadow, refrain yourself," Tokoyami scolded, blushing a little as you hang next to him.
"I guess this is a little nice. I've haven't been in the Shadow Caverns since I was 4,000 years old," You said.

"Truly a sight to be hold," Skrill mumbled. The three, or four of you count Dark Shadow, were in one with the cavern, until you were lost in your thoughts. Skrill noticed and budged Tokoyami.
"My friend, it appears that you fancy the future dragon leader," Skrill told the bird, with a small grin on his face.

"That accusation is preposterous, Love is something that traps you in your mind," Tokoyami said, looking away from his new friend.
"Yeah! It's not like we want to be with her," Dark Shadow whispered, making sure you won't snap out of your thoughts.

"I'm sure you don't, but it's something in your heart that keeps you trapped because of them," Skrill smiled softly.
"Trust me, my heart belongs to a beautiful Death Songs, with the voice of a Siren. Beautiful, yet a danger to come near. A forbidden love," Skrill sighed and turned to Tokoyami.

The bird boy looked at you, and looked at Dark Shadow.
"Love... can be forbidden. Our love... is forbidden," He mumbled sadly.
"Do not worry my friend, it can always find a way for both of you to be happy. Even in the dark, Love is your light," Skrill said stretching his wings.

"(Y/N)," Tokoyami shook you, making you jump.
"Yeah?" You smiled sheepishly.
"I think it's best for us to find our friends," He suggested. You look at him, before nodding.
"Alright then, see ya later Skrilly," You waved the Skrill goodbye as you flew onto the floor and waited for Tokoyami to come down.

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