Ch - 25

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~Guess who is back~^_^

"False hopes? Huh?"

"Is talking about those hope which didn't know the meaning of false. Is he talking about those hopes which is eternal." She smiled while tears gathered in her eyes.

"What about my hopes which were sinking, falling and slowly fading day by day yet  Still they are always there not giving up"

"It seemed eternity before we talked but in just a blink of an eye you broke my heart"

"I don't blame you and your highly unpleasant thoughts. You and I are two puppets of destiny's wicked play" she said closing her eyes letting more tears leave her eyes.

"I-I wis-shed I liv-v-ed lon-nnger enough longer to end my craving but i-tt was end-l-less" she  said crying more, her voice was breaking she wiped her tears and tried to sleep but wasn't able to do so

How easily he spit those words did he know how much meaning it was holding? Did he know how it left deep cut in my heart.


"Why is it so hard!!!!?? " He closes his eyes only to see those flashbacks again. He was getting carzy.

"Those extreme pain and emotions were growing day by day" he said and rested his head on bed head board.

"I'm lost in big woods which is occupied by fog of pain, regret and lastly love created by you."

"I'm sorry I'm not able to walk further. I'm tierd of finding the right way to make right choices. It's all too much for me" he said and looked down.

" I stopped and fell back defeated and destiny has again succeeded. I lost to it little did I know I gave myself to it. In other words I became a puppet"

"I knew from start something was linked within us. Even though I pretended nothing is wrong with me yet Everything is wrong with my heart." He said and looked at his chest.

"It was telling me something someone Will refuse to believe. I felt bond a strong bond between us. A bond with many knots that was filled with mysteries that I need to reveal it for myself"

He didn't tell her one thing that would make her smile and relieved. He didn't tell her that each day the girl face and voice was being visible and audible respectively.

Today he noticed it  and wanted to tell her right away.

"But whenever I tried, the image that haunted me the most comes up, the scene that took my soul away and lastly your choice that made me like this" he sighed and said

"I'm sorry"

"I have no memories only unknown emotions and feelings"

1 week later

"Where are you taking me?" Jennie asked Min Jung who refuses to remove his hand from her eyes.

"Can't you wait? This is my first time being in relationship at least let me do something for you. Soon we will be heading back to Korea."  He said smiling.

She gave small smile yet a forced one. It stabbed her heart. Tomorrow they will be leaving. 2 days from now they will reach Korea. 3 days from now on his wedding and her farewell on same day at sunset.

They say follow your heart but when your heart is broken into pieces which piece would you follow. One part of her heart saying go and tell him everything break Min Jung's innocent heart other piece was saying go and tell him you will regret you will look like a fool dieing for his love and in the end neither you will be loved by Min Jung nor Jungkook.

"Here we are" he said removing his hands.

She looked at beautiful night city. It seemed stars are alinged in a beautiful way. The cold breeze started to play with her silky And smooth hair.

They sat together. Slowly his hands snakes around her shoulder . She looked at him being surprised. He shifted towards and return his beautiful smile.

He rested his head on her shoulder. Giving a satisfied sigh.

"Aish I'm so lucky to have you in my life" he said adjusting his head on her shoulder.

"Jennie I hope everything will work out well" he said looking forward.

"Trust me I will never break your heart" he said smiling  and being confident but soon his smile faded away and his arms loosens around her shoulder when she said

"What if I do"

I'm back!!! Something is coming be ready!!

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