Chapter 5 Loss

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Caitlin made an anonymous tip to the CCPD and had told them about a crime scene at the West-Allen residence.

The CSI team at CCPD soon arrived at the loft and began going over the crime scene.

"Who would do this, Detective White? Especially to one of our own?" One of the detectives asked.

"I don't know. But it was obviously someone targeting Barry" Detective White said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey Detective White, can I borrow you for a second please?" One of the CSI officials suddenly asked.

"Yeah" Detective White said, now walking over.

"I've tested the shards of glass. It's filled almost to the brim with dark matter" The CSI official said.

"Dark matter? What is dark matter doing in the mirror?" Detective White asked.

Suddenly, Iris appeared in the mirror in front of Detective White and the CSI official.

"What the hell?" Detective White said in shock, stepping back a little.

"Can you hear me?" Iris called out.

"Iris?" Detective White asked. Iris nodded.

"How are you in the mirror?" Detective White then asked.

"I was trapped in here by a woman named Eva McCulloch. She was the one that killed Barry" Iris sobbed. Detective looked back at the scene and then at Iris.

"You witnessed it?" Detective White asked. Iris nodded.

"Geeze that's rough. I wouldn't wish that on anyone" The CSI official said.

"Where's Barry's body now?" Detective White asked.

"Star Labs. Cisco Ramon and Ralph Dibny took his body back to Star Labs" Iris said.

"Ok well, we'd better stop by Star Labs and take you with us" Detective White said. Iris nodded.

"Sir, what about the mirror with the bloody handprint and also the mat that has Barry's bloodstain on it?" One of the detectives asked.

"Bring those back to CCPD and put them in the evidence room" Detective White said.


Cisco sat in his workshop, looking at a picture of him, Caitlin and Barry back before they knew that Dr Wells was really Eobard Thawne. The man that killed Barry's mother.

Tears rolled down his face as he stared at the photo, noticing the smiles on his, Caitlin's and Barry's faces.

Caitlin sat in the cortex, looking down at a picture of Barry on the computers in front of her. Her head leaning on the palm of her hands. Tears began falling down her face.

Suddenly, a security alert popped up on the computers. Caitlin checked what it was and saw that the CCPD were at the front of Star Labs. She quickly got up and walked quickly out of the cortex and down the hall towards the elevator which she then took all the way down to the floor that led straight to the front entrance of Star Labs.

When she got to the entrance, she opened the door.

"Are you Caitlin Snow?" Detective White asked.

"Yes I am. Who are you?" Caitlin asked.

"I'm Detective White from CCPD. Is it alright if me and the other detectives can come inside and chat with you and your team?" Detective White asked. Caitlin nodded and then let the detectives in.


"So when did you discover Barry's body in the loft?" Detective White asked Cisco, who was wiping the tears from his face.

"Around 9:30pm. Ralph and I had just come from Caitlin's house after helping her with something and when we arrived, we knocked on the door but neither Iris or Barry answered and since we already knew that Barry was home, we knew that it was never like Barry not to answer the door. So, we busted the door open and that's when we found Barry's body. He was lying down right next to a mirror and from the looks on the handprint that was on the mirror, his hand had slipped down the mirror" Cisco explained.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we know why Barry had his hand on the mirror" Detective White said. Team Flash looked at Detective White curiously. One of the detectives then brought over the mirror that Iris was in and when Team Flash saw her in the mirror, they were shocked.

"Iris, how-how did you get in there?" Ralph asked.

"A woman named Eva McCulloch trapped me in here" Iris said.

"How do we get her out of there?" Caitlin said.

"I don't know if you can guys and besides, I'm not the only one stuck in here" Iris then said.

"Who else is in there with you?" Detective White then asked.

"Chief Singh and Kamilla" Iris replied.

"Chief Singh? How the hell did he get in there?" One of the detectives suddenly asked.

"Maybe the same way Eva pulled me in" Iris said.

"Well, once we've gotten to the bottom of what happened to Barry, we'll focus on getting you, Kamilla and Chief Singh out of there" Detective White said. Iris nodded.


"Around 9:20pm, our precincts very own CSI, Barry Allen was murdered in his loft by a woman named Eva McCulloch. His body was later discovered ten minutes later by his friends, Francisco Ramon and Ralph Dibny. At this very time, we are unsure of Miss McCulloch's whereabouts but she is considered to be highly skilled and very dangerous. It has been reported that right now, she has three confirmed hostages. Mr Allen's wife, Iris West-Allen. Chief of police David Singh and Mr Ramon's girlfriend, Kamilla Kuo. We are currently in mourning at this time and we ask that Mr Allen's team at Star Labs is given some privacy at this devastating time. But, his team has granted me permission to reveal a secret. Not only did we lose the best CSI we had, but we lost our city's very own scarlet speedster, The Flash" Detective White said. As soon as he had revealed that Barry was The Flash, the news reporters went wild with questions, but luckily Detective White was able to calm them down.

"On behalf of this city, CCPD and Star Labs' Team Flash, I would like to ask that everyone who is watching this, bow their heads and have a moment of silence as we remember our fallen friend" Detective White said as he then bowed his head. The detectives standing behind him also bowed their heads and so did all of the news reporters.

Everyone all over the city and everyone in National City, Star City and Coast City who were watching the report from their TV's, phones, tablets and computers all bowed their heads in silence.

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